The Indian spiritual ideology and the allied devotional celebrations are a strong connector between the glory of the magnanimous ancient sanaatana bhaaratam that holds our cultural roots belonging to times immemorial and the current modern India that competes with many other global super powers in terms of its modernized / industrialized / technified living across the length and breadth of the nation......
Though we are in the age of advanced bionic chipsets holding the power of nano computing that has transformed the daily life of every common Indian in a way that no one would have even thought of a couple of decades ago,
the ancient spiritual science continues to be a strong source of inspiration and motivation for those who embrace it in their respective walks of life for the vast positive cosmic energy it attributes to the human nervous system by leveraging the power of Sanskrit, the language of Gods, which is known for its immeasurable divine aura creation mechanism.....
Bring in any and every known scientific device to measure the positives vibes, energies, powers, auras, cosmic waves,
intellectual quotients and their miraculous healing impact on human life embraced by the same and see the difference between the lives that are surrounded with and without the aforementioned entities....
As explained by sathguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru, Pooja or Worship is not just about placing some worldly stuff like flowers, incense sticks, camphor etc, infront of some idols or photo frames.....
It is an established process of
approaching an ancient science known as spirituality, in a way that let's a human being to transform himself or herself from the all obvious mediocre intellectual realm to various supreme intellectual realms that
in-turn redefine the standards of human life with their positive effects.....
Flowers, the most commonly used entities in the worship / pooja are one of the most wonderful and miraculous creations of God on this planet. Because, both physically and meta physically, flowers are an embodiment of divinity and several magnanimous results are obtained by the usage of flowers......
There are many a healing entities in this world....
1. Medicines : Pills/Syrups/Inhalers/etc that are consumed orally or that are IV administered.
(Ayurvedam / Homeopathy / Allopathy / Naturopathy and all other various names used by today's modern world are the different sub disciplines of the vast science of medicine)
2. Music : The traditional Indian CarnaTik music / 72 Melakarta raagaalu are known for their various healing effects without any side effects.
3. Flowers : Aroma therapy is an ancient
ayurvedic science of healing that involves using the extracts from various herbs / shrubs / flowers in effectively treating many ailments without any side effects.
For those who are well versed with the intricacies of PushpaShaastram, the aforementioned 3rd healer, the science of flowers, also has a corresponding meta physical equivalent where in various flowers yield various results when offered to God in the regular worship.....
Oleander (Karaveeram / Gannayru Pushpaalu) will bless a devotee to become an exceptionally powerful poet/lyricist/writer/editor, etc....
Hibiscus (Mandaara Pushpaalu) will
bless a devotee to get rid off various sleep disorders like insomnia etc....
Jasmine (Malliya pushpaalu) will bless a devotee with overall peace and prosperity to live a contented life...
Rose (Gulaabi Pushpaalu) will bless a devotee with various energies as prayed for...
Chrysanthemum (Chamanti Pushpaalu)
will bless a devotee with good health...
and so on and so forth......
These are the various perceived results after their practical usage and observations by our ancient sages and are thus followed by our ancestors for their well being....
Today's modern man hardly has any means to be informed of such great ancient knowledge because visiting temples, doing regular Pooja has become an old fashion and listening to Puraanam, itihaasam (ShreemadRaamaayanam
/ ShreemadBhaagawatam etc ) is being considered as some mythological stuff meant for the old / retired people....
(As a matter of fact, set aside all other spiritual topics for that today's modern man doesn't even know how to properly do 'Achamanam' with 3 water drops, one after the other, that are just enough to dissolve an Uradbean (minappappu/Gundupappu) without which no Pooja / worship will yield proper desired results....)
Anyways, back to our actual topic of ShraavanaMaasa Vaibhawam....
the month of Shraavanam celebrates the birth star of Lord Shree Venkateshwara Swamy when the full moon is in coalition with Shravanaa Nakshatram....
This also happens to be the month where in many kinds of flowers / (a few rare flowers too) blossom....
The ally star group of (Rohini/Hasta/Shravanam) have Moon as their ruling deity (Nakshatra adhidevata). Now that the former two do not have a corresponding lunar calendar month associated with them that can be observed from the planet earth, Shravana is the only star that celebrates the Moon's full power intrinsic to the regular sequence when the full moon is in its coalition on the RaakhiPournami / JandhyaalaPournami day....
It is for this very reason, the auspicious Shraavana Pournami day is celebrated as Jandhyaala Pournami, that is considered by the sanaatana bhaarateeya sampradaayam as the best day to change / wear a new sacred Yagnyoapaveetam,....
for that the Gaayatri Shakti of every upaasaka wearing a sacred thread is directly related to their sakalpa balam / ManoBalam which is nothing but the ChandraShakti for that the mighty PurushaSooktam states....
" Chandramaa manasojaataha....."....
चन्द्रमा मनसो जातश्चक्षोः सूर्यो अजायत ।
श्रोत्राद्वायुश्च प्राणश्च मुखादग्निरजायत ।।12।।
विराट पुरुष परमात्मा के मन से चन्द्रमा, नेत्रों से सूर्य, कर्ण से वायु एवं प्राण तथा मुख से अग्नि का प्रकटीकरण हुआ....
Hence, the day on the earth that showers the maximum cosmic moon power by radiating it as the energy exuded by the mighty Shravanaa the day that is naturally the most benevolent day to imbibe that magnanimous ChandraShakti via a new Gaayatri Upaveetam by those who are blessed to possess one as a hereditary custom and via a RakShaBandhan by those who don't and thus the RaakhiPournami festival took prominence across the country...
Goddess ShreeMahaaLakshmi is extolled as 'ChandraSahodari'/ 'Ksheerasaagara tanaya' /
( for that both of them have manifested themselves from the KsheeraSaagara mathanam along with many other divine entities like KalpaVruksham / KaamaDhenuvu / Iraavatam / etc and finally the AmrutaKalasham that was the actual targeted entity behind the entire arduous churning)
and thus the Shraavana maasam that celebrates her cosmic brother's divine energy exudence is naturally the most
happiest month for her too....
And thus she has brought in the most magnanimous
" ShreeVaraLakshmiVratam " via a great devotee of her named 'Chaarumati' to be celebrated by one and all on the friday that occurs before the full moon day of Shraavana maasam....
Flowers are a symbolic representation of ShreeMahaaLakshmi anugraham.....i.e., wherever fresh flowers are situated,
it is considered as LakshmeePradam....
And it is a very well known fact that Lotus was chosen by her as one of her 5 abodes on the planet earth, and that's our national flower......
( Hopefully, the traditional Indian cow, another abode of ShreeMahaaLakshmi, becomes our national animal quite soon for all the good it will bring in to the nation and to world at large to prosper in peace...)
Honey, the most miraculous food on the planet earth is essentially a processed derivative of the flower extracts / nectar by the honey bees which also happens to be a key ingredient for many Ayurvedic medicines...
And the most celebrated festival across the world, the Shree Krishna Janmaashtami too, occurs in this Shraavana maasam on the Bahula Ashtami day, the 8th lunar day in the waning phase of the moon....
All in all, the Shraavana maasam is full of vibrance and vibes for all devotees to fulfil their aspirations by living a peaceful life....
Shree Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya has blessed us with a mellifluous sankeertana on the ShreeVaraLakshmi Vaibhawam....
and extolls her saying "chandurutODabuTTina sampadala meraguvO .... " to signify the prominence of ChandraShakti.....
Jayalakshmi varalakshmI -
జయలక్ష్మీ వరలక్ష్మీ
Archive Audio link : G Balakrishnaprasad
Meaning : Tadepalli Patanjali
జయలక్ష్మీ వరలక్ష్మీ సంగ్రామ వీరలక్ష్మి
ప్రియురాలవై హరికి( బెరసితి వమ్మ
పాలజలనిధిలోని పసనైన మీగడ
మేలిమి తామెరలోని మించు వాసన
నీలవర్ణునురముపై నిండిన నిధానమవై
ఏలేవు లోకములు మమ్మేలవమ్మ
చందురుతోడబుట్టిన సంపదల మెరగువో
కందువ బ్రహ్మలగాచే కల్పవల్లివో
అందిన గోవిందునికి అండనే తోడు నీడై
వుందానవు మా యింటనే వుండవమ్మా
పదియారు వన్నెలతో బంగారు పతిమ
చెదరని వేదముల చిగురు బోడి
ఎదుట శ్రీవేంకటేశు నిల్లాలవై నీవు
నిధుల నిలిచే తల్లి నీవారమమ్మ
jayalakshmI varalakshmI saMgrAma vIralakshmi
priyurAlavai hariki( berasiti vamma
pAlajalanidhilOni pasanaina mIgaDa
mElimi tAmeralOni miMcu vAsana
nIlavarNunuramupai niMDina nidhAnamavai
ElEvu lOkamulu mammElavamma
chaMdurutODabuTTina saMpadala meraguvO
kaMduva brahmalagAchE kalpavallivO
aMdina gOviMduniki aMDanE tODu nIDai
vuMdAnavu mA yiMTanE vuMDavammA
padiyAru vannelatO baMgAru patima
chedarani vEdamula chiguru bODi
eduTa SrIvEMkaTESu nillAlavai nIvu
nidhula nilichE talli nIvAramamma
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