Monday, July 6, 2020

Shree Shaarvari AaShaaDha PourNami / VyaasaPourNami 2020.....😊 Wishing one and all a very happy GuruPourNami 2020.....!

Shree Shaarvari AaShaaDha PourNami / VyaasaPourNami 2020.....😊

Wishing one and all a very happy GuruPourNami 2020.....!

1. When there are 12 typical Full moon days in any given year...... Why should we celebrate only the 4th full moon day,
( Aashadham is the 4th month as per the Chaandramaana Almanac....) as GuruPournami festival and why not any of the other 11 Full moon days...??

2. When there are many a great revered soul born on this pious BharataBhoomi as a highly enlightened and an intellectual human being, why only on the name of Shree VyaasaMaharshi, this festival is celebrated across the Nation to pay salutations to their respective Gurus.....

3. When it is said "GuruPourNami ", what is the connection between a mortal person being referred to as a 'Guru' on this planet earth and a "Pournami", that is a Full Moon day in the skies....

4. Why is it that a 'Guru', who is always an embodiment of perfection to his 'Shishya',
needs to bless his disciples specially on this festive eve of GuruPourNami day, when it is a fact that every Guru keeps blessing his/her devotee every day.....

5. And why is it that a Shishya must celebrate this festival with great fervor  by specially thanking and offering obeisance to his/her Guru....

Before I begin the decryption of and description for the above queries
with all due respect, let me humbly prostrate at the holy feet of my Guruji sathguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru, that are the same as Lord Shree VenkaTeshwara's holy feet for me, except for the fact that I have been fortunate enough to do direct Namaskaar to my Guruji's feet several times, ( along with many of other folks around me in the group, ) but was able to go only up-to KulashekharaPadi to do a direct Namaskaar to my Lord Govinda's holy feet.....😊

Hence a Guru is much more closer to a disciple than a God because a Guru always makes himself available to his shishya more than what God does......

As a matter of fact, it is Lord himself who comes to us as a chosen guru to relieve us from the clutches of the bondage of ignorance which is essentially the root cause of all the sufferings....!

1.A : There are 12 typical Full moon days in any given year.... However, only the 4th full moon day, the AashaaDha Pournami is celebrated as GuruPournami festival because of the fact that the auspicious "MaghaPanchakam" gets completed and Aashaadha Maasam marks the onset of monsoon, rainy season, dakShiNaayanam, short day times and long night times, comparatively hostile atmosphere / weather and so on and so forth...... It is essentially a time where in a Guru's explicit grace becomes absolutely necessary and important for any disciple to get going thru the tougher days of the year until Maaghamasam begins......

The Bhaadrapadam and Aashwayuja maasam, known for MahaalayaPaksham and Sharannavaraatri utsawam,  respectively would need a disciple to be bountifully blessed with a Guru's grace to withstand and overcome the "YamaDamshTra", the wrath of LordYamraaj who sets out vehemently  to take away as many lives as possible during the Sharatkaalam.....

As Lord ShreeHari goes in to his celestial sleep YogaNidra from Aashaadha Suddha Ekadaasi, it becomes very important for a Guru step up and directly  take the position of Lord Shree Hari in order to protect his devotes from the tougher times that a Dakshinaayanam holds.......

AashaaDha Maasam is considered as a ShoonyaMaasam / Riktamaasam / VarjitaMaasam and as a result of the same no celebrations are done in Aashadhamaasam as no Muhurats are considered in AashaDhamaasam for any sort of celebrations..... Hence it becomes very important for the AashaDhaMaasam to have some strong balancing factor / force so that it doesn't distort the almanac balance while the wheel of Time gets drifted from "Uttaraayanam" to "Dakshinaayanam" because it is imminent for the Time to enter it's defined realms as per the Sun's order......

[ We all are aware of the fact that Sun is the head of the visible space realm via the Cosmic Solar System and it is also a fact that Sun also heads the invisible Time realm via his family members......

UshaaDevi / ChaayaDevi being his wives,
( who represent Light and Darkness....)
his elder son is Lord Yamraaj, his younger Son is Shanaishchara, ( Planet Saturn), and his daughter is River Yamuna......
And they all hold the keys of that
'Invisible Time realm' in their hands to decide whose turn is next in order to lessen the earth's burden by reducing it's population count based on various intertwined factors embedded in every single human being's karmic equation.......

The general names that we attribute to that cosmic 'Karmic' equation's factors are Karma, Paapam, Punyam, AayuhPramaaNam, Gandakaalam, etc.....]

And such a great force on the planet who can bring in that extreme amount of balance required by the wheel of Time is only a Guru....! For that only a Guru equals the God and thus the balance gets achieved....

Hence the entire GuruParampara is remembered, celebrated, respected,  worshipped, honored.....
so that the Smsupreme combined force of the entire cascaded GuruParampara all the way from
Lord ShreeMannaaraayaNa /
Lord Shree Dakshinaamoorthy
up until Shree AadiShankaraachaarya, who has kindly blessed the BharataBhoomi by re-establishing the GuruVaibhawam and sustained it via the "Chaturaamnaaya Peethaalu" in the 4 cardinal directions if this DharmaBhoomi..
( @ Puri, Shrugeri, Dwaraka, & Badari )
delivers that explicitly required pious balancing factor......


2.A : There are many a great revered soul born on this pious BharataBhoomi as highly enlightened and intellectual human beings, but only on the name of Shree VyaasaMaharshi this festival is celebrated across the Nation to pay salutations to their respective Gurus.

It is because of the fact that
"Vyaasa Maharshi" is neither a person nor a name......
It represents a 'post' that is adorned by an intellectual who equals Lord ShreemannaaraayNa in the aspect of intelligence and that post holds a different person in different Kalpam / Manvantaram which are the mighty units that measure Time spanning beyond the Yugas / Millennia......

For the current time period of 'KaliYugam'
( A highly sin filled Yugam where money rules everything in the world....)
that we all are living in since the past approx 5500+ years after Shree Krishna Niryaanam, that has marked the end of  Dwapara Yugam and the beginning of Kaliyugam when King Pareekshit gave boons to Kalipurusha to stay and continue his dominance in this Yugam,
it is "Shree KruShNaDwaipaayana" ( also known as "Baadaraayana" ) who holds the "VyaasaPadavi" the
"Vyaasa post ", and who is to be considered as the unanimous authority when it comes to accept anything as standard and an authentic declaration about any SaastraVachanam, as he is the one who has executed the VedaVibhaagam and authored the 18 - AshTaadasha puraaNa that hold the oceans of all the knowledge and wisdom required by the mankind to learn and prosper in the Sanaatana Dharmam.......

1. VashsisTa Maharishi -->
2. Shakti Maharshi -->
3. Paraashara Maharishi -->
4. Krushna Dwaipaayana (Vyaasa) Maharshi -->
5. Shuka Maharishi

( Shree Shuka Maharishi is the one who has preached for the very first time the mighty "ShreemathBhaagawatam" to King Pareekshit to bless him Moksham in 7 days.
As per the curse of RushyaShrunga Maharshi, son of Shameeka Maharshi, who ever has insulted his father engrossed in Tapahsamaadhi, by dropping a dead snake around his neck, shall meet their death after being bitten by the serpent Takshaka in 7 days from the then unfortunate incident.......
and thus King Pareekshit had to find a way to liberate himself within that 7 days..)

( Why is this KaliYugam such a sin filled Yugam and why did Lord ShreeVenkaTeshwara made himself the Eon God of this KaliYugam to protect all his devotees from the KaliPurusha's evil effects...... is another big story for a post later some other time. Please read ShreemadBhaagawatam to know more on the same.....)

3.A : When it is said "GuruPourNami ",
there is a connection between a mortal person being referred to as a 'Guru' on this planet earth and a "Pournami", that is a Full Moon day in the skies hence it is rightly celebrated only on a PourNami day....

As everyone knows, no person on the planet can have a perfect glimpse of the bright Sun shining in the skies, with his naked eyes wide open.....
It is because of the fact that the Luminosity factor of the Sun is so high that a naked human eye cannot bear it's
intensity and thus Sun would always remain unfathomable to a human being though he shines bright right on the top of one's head everyday......

Only a Moon on a full moon day will refract the entire luminosity of the Sun with a luminosity factor that is well within the bearable threshold of a human eye..... Thus a person can understand Sun only via the Moon who picks up only the positive power of light / glow / water from the Sun and reflects the same on to the humans on the Planet earth....
( Yes you read it correct.... Condensed Waters fom the Sun's aura get picked up by the Moon and the energy of the same is transmitted as "OushadheeShakti" to all the pulses being grown on Earth......
In other words,
No Sun then No Moon....
No Moon then no Crops...
No Crops then No human life.....)

Similarly, only a Guru who is like complete entity of a full moon that can reflect the essence of God who remains unfathomable to a human being because of the fact that he is too far to be in the reach of a mere human intellect.
Thus only a Guru can make one understand what a God is......

Thus No Guru then No Knowledge and Wisdom.....
No Knowledge and Wisdom then No relief from the ignorance......
All ignorance means all sufferings.....

Thus, No Guru means all sufferings......
Know Guru then no suffering...... 😊

Hence it is ought to be celebrated as a GuruPournami......!


4.A : While it is a fact that every Guru keeps blessing his/her devotee every day.....
a 'Guru', who is always an embodiment of perfection to his 'Shishya',
needs to bless his disciples specially on this festive eve of GuruPourNami day because it helps his Shishyajanam to prepare themselves explicitly very well to in to the power of the upcoming Shravana Maasam.......

ShraavanaMaasam results out of moon's coalition with Shravana Nakshatram, the eon God of this KaliYugam Lord Shree Venkateswara's janmaNakshatram
and " ShravanaYagnyam ", i.e., carefully listening, is the only way for a disciple to grasp all the knowledge and wisdom propounded by Gurus and ShraavanaMaasam is a very auspicious time to embed that blessing to a disciple.......

Hence the preceeding month's PourNami's blessings
( i.e., the Aashaadha Pournami's blessings )
become very important in that mighty journey of
" Learn --> Unlearn --> Relearn " to execute this process.....


5.A: A Shishya must celebrate this festival with great fervor by specially thanking and offering obeisance to his/her Guru because it is obvious for a disciple to bow infront of his/her Guru and seek their blessings when they are being showered bountiful only to be collected and savoured all along......

For a person living in a drought prone area / desert,  isn't it obvious to celebrate a day that rains bountiful across their lands, only to let them collect as much rain water as they can, to savour the same as long as it lasts .....?

Sky / Clouds / Rain never ask anyone to collect rain water and save the same to cherish later.......

They just rain and who ever successfully captures all the downpour in to their utensils during those few hours, have a lot of fresh and sweet waters to be cherished for a long time......
And those don't pay much attention to the same will not have any fresh and sweet water to quench their thirst......

So is the case with a Guru and his bountiful knowledge share......

Those who pay respect and attention to a Guruvaakyam and hold all that supreme knowledge and wisdom being distributed by a revered Guru, captive across their grey matter, will house an unparalleled repository of mighty intellect that cuts thru even the toughest of the rocks called mountains of ignorance like a razor sharp laser sword that cuts thru the toughest of the various materials known for their sturdiness...

Hence it is indeed a great eve for every disciple to celebrate the GuruPourNami festival with grandeur.......😊


I always love this quote from my Guruji......

""స్వతహా గా ఎవరూ ఎవరికీ గురువు కారు.....
నీ యొక్క గురి చేత సదరు వ్యక్తి నీకు గురువై అనుగ్రహిస్తారు....!
కాబట్టి నీ గురి యే నీ గురువు.....!!"

for that it essentially describes the supreme power vested in the Guruboadha.....

Arjuna was the only person among all other folks who replied their Guruji Dronaachaarya,
" I look at the eyes of the sparrow / target that I have aimed for....",
when they all were asked the same question....
" What do you see when you aim the target / a sparrow....? "

Hence only Arjuna became SavyaSaachi because of his one pointed aim, though it was the same guru who taught archery to all those folks......

And to speak a level above, more than one's aim, it is one's GuruBhakti that will make him/her the mightiest of the warriors this world has ever witnessed......!

Just like what happened with Ekalavya, the tribal boy in a hamlet, who was blessed by the most supreme knowledge of Archery because of his unparalleled GuruBhakti...!
His GuruBhakti made him the finest of the archers that led even the SavyaSaachi Arjuna to stand only next to him.....!

Hence GuruBhakti is that highest form of worship that can elevate any mere mortal to reach for the intellectual horizons ever known by the mankind......! 😊

नृपालिमौलि ब्रज रत्न कांति
नृपत्वदाभ्यां नतलोकपंक्ते:
नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां...

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