Friday, November 3, 2023

Shree Shobhakruth naama samvatsara 2023 Deepaawali festival [ aaShwayuja bahuLa trayoadashi + chaturdaShi + amaavaasya + Kaarteeka Shuddha paadyami + Shuddha dwitiya ] wishes to one and all.....

[ AaShwayuja bahuLa trayoadashi + chaturdaShi + amaavaasya + Kaarteeka Shuddha paadyami + Shuddha dwitiya ] wishes to one and all.....

The entire world knows the speciality of Deepaawali / Diwaali festival celebrated by every Indian across the length and breadth of the nation....
Now a days, for the modern world, Diwaali has become a festival of distributing sweets & lighting crackers / sparkling fireworks to commemorate the historical events of Lord Shree Raam sena's victorious return to Ayodhaya, one of the eight wives of Lord Shree Krishna, queen Satyabhaamaa's victory over Narakaasura,
and so on.....
Sanaatana Dharmam celebrates the spirit of Deepaawali festivel as a festival of lighting sesame oil lamps and Shree Lakshmi Aaradhana to welcome the Kaarteeka Daamodara / Kaarteeka Trayambaka deavataa's worship all along the pious kaarteeka maasam....
(sweets / crackers / fireworks have become an addendum to the festive celebrations in the recent times....)

Let's discuss the worship of nature behind this great Indian festival......
The on-set of winter season is known to be followed by many health ailments especially wide spread cardiac arrest and neural collapse ailments. The wise veterans of sanaatana bharatam have been following the large scale sesame oil lamp lighting as a traditional custom followed all along the Kaarteeka maasam in-order to have the positive heat energy emanated by a sesame oil lamp as a natural healing methodology for the cardiac and neural systems....
Large scale consumption of sesame oil via cooked dishes can lead to excessive heat generation and indigestion issues owing to the nature of the sesame oil, which isn't good for health.. Hence, only the aroma of the sesame oil generated by the large scale sesame oil lamp lighting ceremony is suggested as a healthy measure to imbibe the required heat quotient without any side effects of the sesame oil....
Apart from this physical aspect, the most celebrated meta-physical aspect associated with the Deepaawali festival is that goddess Shree MahaaLakshmi and Goddesses GangaDevi reside in the sesame oil and all water bodies respectively, on the dawn of the Deepawali festivel day as explained by sathguru ShreeChaaganti gaaru in various discourses quoting the verse...

Tailay Lakshmi Jalay Ganga 
Deepaawali Tidhou vasayth...
Alakshmi parihaaraardham 
Tailaabhyaango vidheeyatay...

Not every one can afford visiting the ancient mystical city of Vaaranasi to have a sankalpa sahita teertha snaanam in the most sacred river Ganga to get rid of the accumulated alakshmi...
and it isn't everyone's cup of tea to make them qualify for ShreeLakshmi aaraadhana in-order to be 
bestowed with ShreeMahaaLakhsmi kataaksham...

However, sanaatana bhaaraateeya aaraadhana vaibhawam dedicates the day of Deepaawali as that day when goddess Shree MahaaLakshmi graces sesame oil and goddess GangaDevi graces all waters during the dawn so that devotees can stay wherever they are and yet be able to perform GangaaSnaanam for alakshmi parihaaram and ShreeLakshmi kataaksham via tailaabhyanganam....

As explained by sadguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru in one of the discourses, 
"Deepaawali naaTi vaykuvajhaamuna, 4.00 AM nunDi 4.30 AM madhyana, sankalpa sahita tailaabhyangana snaanamaacharinchi deepaaraadhana gaavinchaDamay asalaina ShreeLakshmi kaTaakshaanni anugrahinchay Deepaawali parvam..."
and the evening's Deepaawali deepaaradhana / Shree Lakshmi aaraadhana is essentially an addendum to the above performed Deepawali morning's aaraadhana....

As per the authentic vedic astrology, the astronomical constellation of Kruttika, the ruling star of the Kaartheekamaasam for being in coalition with the full moon of Kaartheeka Pournami, is associated with Agni Deva / Fire god as its ruling deity... Hence vishesha Agni aaraadhana / Deepaaraadhana performed all along the month of Kaarteekam is also known to satiate the Agni Deva and would in-turn fetch his blessings so that the freezing winter doesn't dissolve the required magnitudes of the various Agni tattwam to be retained by a human body as one of it's vital elements....

Now let's talk about some philosophical aspects associated with the Deepawali festival's Shree Lakshmi aaraadhana...

First of all, what is Lakshmi..?

If it is said, "Lakshmyatay iti Lakshmi...", then is it the same symbolic representation that is Lakshmi for everyone or does it keep varying from person to person...

If it is said, "Om Chanchalaayai namaha...", then how is it feasible to have a firm understanding of that philosophically instable Shree Lakshmi tattwam...?

If it is said, "Om NaaraayanaSamaashritaayai Namaha", who is that Vishnu and how does Shree Lakshmi always accompany that all pervading Vishnu tattwam....for that it is said, 
"Vishwayti vyaaptaha iti Vishnuhu"

If it is said, "Om Deeptaayai Namaha", what kind of Deepthi is Shree Lakshmi all about ?
(Many of us know that the brand 'Deepthi' is one of the famous book publication brands during our intermediate college days...
We had a funny yet highly intelligent mathematics lecturer Sir for our ShreeChaitanya 2002-03 batch's JLE top section, who used to crack funny jokes on this Deepthi brand.)

If it is said, "Om Shivaayai Namaha / Om Shivakaryai Namaha..", what is the embedded 
Shiva tattwam in the propounded
Shree Lakshmi tattwam or more precisely ShreeLakshmiNaaraayana tattwam...

and so on and so forth.... would be the queries by many an eminent philosopher...

One of the most meritorious stotrams known as "ShreeLakshmiNaaraayanaHrudaya stotram" extolls ShreeLakshmi saying 

లక్ష్మ్యై నమోస్తు శుభలక్షణలక్షితాయై
సిద్ధ్యై నమోస్తు సురసిద్ధసుపూజితాయై |
ధృత్యై నమోస్తు మమ దుర్గతిభంజనాయై
గత్యై నమోస్తు వరసద్గతిదాయకాయై || 12 ||

భావం: అనేక శుభ లక్షణాలకు నెలవయిన లక్ష్మివి.దేవతలు, మునులు కొలిచే సిద్ధివి, దుర్గతులను నాశనం చెసే ధృతివి, సద్గతిని చూపే మార్గదర్శివి అయిన నీకు నమస్కారములు.


దేవ్యై నమోస్తు దివి దేవగణార్చితాయై
భూత్యై నమోస్తు భువనార్తివినాశకాయై |
శాంత్యై నమోస్తు ధరణీధరవల్లభాయై
పుష్ట్యై నమోస్తు పురుషోత్తమవత్సలాయై || 13 ||

భావం: దివిలో దేవగణాలచే పూజింపబడే దేవివి, భువిలో ఆర్తి హరించే భూతివి, ధరణిని ధరించే విష్ణువుకు సతివి, శాంతమూర్తివి, పురుషోత్తముడి వాత్సల్యాన్ని పొందిన పుష్టివి అయిన నీకు నమస్కారములు.

If there is a sign board on the road saying,
"Zebra crossing for Pedestrians...",
is it only for some people on the road or is it for every person on the road..?
A perfect answer would be....
"It is for those people on the road, who are looking for some viable means to cross the road from one side to the other, though the vehicular traffic on the road continues as usual...Because, this sign board makes the vehicular traffic sensible enough to slow down considerably or to stop for a moment, if required, in-order to allow the non-vehicular traffic intending to cross the road...
Apart from the sign board (even if one isn't present), there would always be marked shiny lines on the road to signify it as a zebra crossing location....

Quite similarly, Lakshmi is all about a clear identification of a means that let's a devotee have a finer understanding of his/her path to be tread or an algorithm to be followed in-order to successfully accomplish his/her goals...
In order to facilitate this, she would make herself available as a comprehensible analogy (similar to the zebra crossing lines on the road)
to derive the required solution for a given situational query....

A very eminent and revered practical philosopher like sadguru Shree Chaaganti gaaru in one of the pravachanams has stated the below verse..
"అతడి సరస్వతియే అతడి లక్ష్మి..కదండి...."
which implies that Lakshmi isn't always all about money or riches. It rather is all about that Bhagawad anugraham which guides him/her on the right path that leads them towards peaceful success...

Let me take a simple example to explain how Saraswati becomes Lakshmi and thus what true Lakshmi anugraham is all about.....

Two folks residing on the shores of Ganges are given 2 ultra modern electric boats and were told that they can use them as per their wish to make as much money as possible by ferrying pilgrims from one side of the shore to the other side...
However, they were informed not to use those electric boats when Ganga is in floods because its super smooth electric cruise system is designed to work at normal speeds of Ganga and not at the speeds of Ganga during the floods.....

The first person is a sensible person who always believes that Saraswathi kataaksham supercedes Lakshmi kataaksham and makes a firm note of that point, whereas the second person is a greedy stupid person whose goal is always to make as much money as possible by competing with all other fellow boat owners....

Both of them started using their respective boats and made a good amount of money. However, one fine day all the boat owners were informed that Ganga is about to flood in a while because of large amounts of water released from the upper dams and were cautioned not to ferry the pilgrims for a few days until the floods recede...
The second person ignored this caution and continued with his ferry as usual on that day to make more and more money until those flooded Ganga waters reached his place...
The first person knows the power of Ganga and her velocities that would propel the floods in no time towards the ferrying place... hence he refrained from using his electric boat....

The second person started witnessing the floods at a shorter distance and then started thinking about going back towards the shore to stop his ferrying business. However, by then Ganga already took the form of ferociously flooded Ganga and was gulping in any and everything on its way into it. His electric boat designed to operate at optimum speeds only, stopped working and got washed away by the unstoppable flooded Ganga waters....

Now tell me, did the second person gain Lakshmi anugraham with the given ultra modern electric boat or lost everything because of it due to the lack of Saraswathi anugraham...?

From this simple hypothetical example, to any and every given situation, Lakshmi anugraham isn't always about money or riches. It is always about the practically assimilatable wise and sensible approach towards any and every given entity in this world that will bring in peace of mind along with the required healthy prosperity / riches.....

And thus the aadi parashakti Shree Lalitaambika is extolled as "SachaamaraRamaaVaani savyadakshinasevitaayainamaha..." by Vaagdevatalu in the highly meritorious Shree Lalitaa Sahasranaamaavali....

Those who have a good habit of visiting temples at least once in a while, might have heard about a special laghu Gayatri recited by the able priests in the temple saying.....
"Hamsahamsaaya vidmahay paramahamsaaya dheemahi tannah hamsah prachodayaath...."
While, all other laghu Gayatri mantras are dedicated towards the respective deities mentioned by it....i.e.,

Om Vaagdevyai Cha Vidmahe Brahma Patnyai Cha Dheemahi, Tannah Vaanee Prachodayat
is meant for Saraswatih devi....
Om Vedathmanaaya Vidmahe, Hiranya Garbhaya Dheemahi, Thanno Brahmah Prachodayath..
is meant for her husband Brahma deva.....

Om Mahaadevyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnyai Cha Dheemahi, Tannah Lakshmih Prachodayat
is meant for Lakshmidevi....
Om Aadipurushaaya vidmahay alarmelmanganaathaaya dheemahi, tannah Shreenivaasah Prachodayat...
is meant for her husband Shree Venkateshwara...

Om Mahaadevyai Cha Vidmahe Sharva Patnyai Cha Dheemahi, Tannah Shaktih Prachodayat
is meant for Paarvati devi....
Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya, Dheemahi, Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat. 
is meant for her husband Shiva......

Then, what and who is being referred to by the below hamsa gaayatri...?
"Hamsahamsaaya vidmahay paramahamsaaya dheemahi tannah hamsah prachodayaath...."...?

What is that Hamsa and where does it reside..? If its about the physical swan residing in the Maanasasarovar near the Himalayas, how does it  help a devotee listening to it...

It is believed that there's a special trait exhibited by a swan that is to separate milk and water from the combined watery milk...and it is regarded as a principle of sath and asath graahya viveka siddhaantam by the spiritual science...
Saraswati anugraham gets translated into Lakshmi anugraham via this ksheera neera siddhaantam....

This world is always full of inherently combined sath and asath tattwams and by the grace of the Saraswati anugraham a noble person would be able to differentiate them with his intellect in-order to apply only the sath tattwam to his executions which is indicated by the Lakshmi Tattwam in being wise and sensible...

Let me take a simple example from sadguru ShreeChaaganTi gaari pravachanams in-order to explain this combined Lakshmi and Saraswati tattwam in a much simpler way...
Once upon a time, some high profile personality approached HH Shree Kanchi Paramaachaaraya and asked about how to recognize a true guru when this world is full of so many fake people.
To which Shree Periyava smiled and called a small girl from the devotees gathered on that day and asked her to pick up a sweet mango from a basket full of mangoes of which many are unripe mangoes.
She picked up a ripe mango as a prasadam from periyava.
Explaining this particular situation, Periyava stated that a true and ardent devotee shall certainly be able to pick up the right choice amidst multiple other choices...

Here the reddish+yellowish ripe mango represents the Lakshmi tattwam in signifying it as an appropriate pick like the reddish+yellowish waters of Ganga gushing towards the Prayagraj and the ability to understand this differentiation of ripe and unripe mangoes shall be the invisible Saraswati anugraham located in the mind of the devotee just like the invisible Saraswati river at the Prayag's Triveni sangamam....

So, even if Lakshmi anugraham is present in the nature, like the ripe mangoes in the basket, it would be comprehended and thus assimilated only by the accumulated Saraswati anugraham in the mind of a noble person....

In the sarvadeva kruta Shree Lakshmi stotram,
(explained by sathguru ShreeChaaganti gaaru in the Shreemad Bhaagawata / Ksheerasaagara madhanam pravachanams), she is extolled by all the gods gathered there as below...

కైలాసే పార్వతీ త్వంచ క్షీరోధే సింధు కన్యకా।
స్వర్గేచ స్వర్గ లక్ష్మీ స్త్వం మర్త్య లక్ష్మీశ్చ భూ..తలే॥

వైకుంఠేచ మహాలక్ష్మీః దేవదేవీ సరస్వతీ।
గంగాచ తులసీత్వంచ సావిత్రీ బ్రహ్మ లోకతః॥

If all the gods have unanimously extolled her as "Devadevi Saraswathi" , it signifies what true Lakshmi anugraham is all about...

The "Indra kruta MahaaLakshmi ashtakam" gets completed with the verse below...

శ్వేతాంబరధరే దేవి నానాలంకారభూషితే 
జగస్థితే జగన్మాతః మహాలక్ష్మీ ర్నమోస్తుతే

Shweta/Dhavala varna vastraalankarana is typically attributed to Saraswati Devi by the spiritual science...

A meritorious Shree Lakshmi sahasra naama stotram ( శ్రీస్కందపురాణే సనత్కుమారసంహితాయాం లక్ష్మీసహస్రనామస్తోత్రం )extolls her as 
"అకారాదిక్షకారాంతా సర్వవిద్యాధిదేవతా ..."

Another highly meritorious Shree Lakshmi stotram composed by HH Shree aadi Shankaraachaarya...
(This stotram was indeed considered as a special topic for pravachanams by Sathguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru )
extolled her as an amalgamated form of Saraswati, Lakshmi, Shaakambari/Annapoorna Devi, Paarvati in the below verse....

గీర్ధేవదేతి గరుడద్వజ సుందరీతి శాకంభరీతి శశశేఖర వల్లభేతి !
సృష్టి స్థితి ప్రళయకేళిషు సంస్థితాయై తస్యై నమ స్త్రిభువనైక గురో స్తరుణ్యై !!

May the blessings of Shree MahaaLakshmi be bestowed upon all the devotees to make this Deepaawali a fulfilling and happy Deepaawali...

🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔
Tyohaar hai chamaktey diyaaonka...
Chamkeen ho jeevan ham sabka....
Samai hai bahut saaray miThaayiyo ka...
Khushiya aur Shaanti bhara jeevan ho ham sabka...

Shubh Deepaawali friends........ 🙂🍨🍿🍧💐🥧🦢🌿🍒🍇🫐🌾🍕🌻🇮🇳
🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔 🪔

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