Shree TarigonDa Vengamaamba 235th Jayanthyuthsawa Shubhaabhinandanalu...
Born on 20th April 1787 : Raudri Naama Samvatsara Vaishaakha Suddha Tadiya / Akshaya Tadiya..
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This 18th century mahaa Tapaswini's / Yogini's sajeevasamaadhi / 'Shree Vengamaamba Brundaavanam' in Tirumala continues to radiate a multitude of her yogic powers even today and her cosmic guidance remains very much accessible to many a lord ShreeVenkateshwara's Devotee as it used to be in her days when she used to walk in to the AanandaNilayam to perform the much revered 'Tarigonda Muthyaala Haarathi' without which lord Shree Venkateshwara's daily routine would not become complete....
And the same ritual continues even today as an order from Lord Shree Venkateshwara himself....
As stated by sadguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru in the "ShreeVenkateshwaraVaibhawam" pravachanams,
" Taallapaaka Laali... TarigonDa Haarathi"
is the daily service that makes lord "sleep" peacefully so that he can "wake up" to the Suprabhaataseva to listen to all the devotees' earnest pleas and continue to bless them all along the day....
I too was one among those much blessed Shreevaari Sevaks of TBP
[ 'Telugu Bhakti Pages' Shreevaari Sevaks' is a devotional group led by bhaagawataar Shree Paritaala GopiKrishna gaaru,
who got posted in the AanandaNilayam sannidhi duty in the "7 PM to 12 PM shift" after the completion of which all the Shree vaari sevaks along with the TTD staff for the day were blessed with the TarigonDa Muthyaala Haarathi and the all-mix fruits' prasaadam offered to the Lord in the ekanta seva.
That limited all-mix fruits' prasaadam also called as 'mewa prasaadam' offered to Lord in the most sought after "ekaanta seva" is considered highly meritorious and rare to be obtained because once all the darshan Q lines are stopped for the day, only a select very few 'ekanta seva' ticket holders participating in that Seva will be blessed with that limited all-mix fruits' prasaadam which is also shared with the on-duty TTD personnel over there along with the Shreevaari Sevaks of the day...)
For those ardent devotees of
Lord Shree Venkateshwara who are aware of the Lord's various daily, weekly, monthly, yearly rituals, it is very well known that 'Ekanta Seva' is one of the most powerful sevas offered to the Lord everyday before he proceeds to his celestial sleep.....
The 'Virajaa teertha pravaaha savvaDulu'
can be heard only in this Seva owing to the absolute silence it is performed in...
And it is a much celebrated fact in Tirumala that, Lord remains extremely attentive to a devotee's prayers during this EkaantaSeva because of it's prominence...
Because " Ekaanta Seva" is that cosmic bridge which connects the mortal plane's living beings' worship in the AanandaNilayam that continues from SuprabhaataSeva thru EkaantaSeva
the worship of various planes' super humans who start arriving at the AanandaNilayam as soon as the Ekaanta Seva gets completed and the doors are closed at the JayaVijaya sannidhi....
that continues until they are reopened for the Suprabhaata Seva of the upcoming day...
The moment 'Vendivaakili' is closed after ascertaining that no more humans are present in the 'AanandaNilayaVimaanaPradakShina maargam' as per the TTD protocol after the ekanta seva's completion, the entire ManiManDapam gets transformed in to an unfathomable celestial abode with a multitude of cosmic beings from varied cosmos making their way to the AanandaNilayam to worship the BrahmaanDaNaayaka Shree Venkateshwara Paradaiwam.....
As soon as the 'VendiVaakili' gets closed to stop the humans' entry in to the AanandaNilayam, the
'VenDi MakaraToranam' / the silver arch present around the uttaraabhimukha
'Shree Vimaana Venkateshwara Swaamy'
gets transformed in to a celestial beacon that invites all the various cosmic planes' devotees to arrive for the Lord's worship...
Many devotees would have remembered Shree ChaaganTi sadguruvu gaari sadvaakku about the
"BrahmaTeertham" that is kept infront of the Lord during the 'Ekaantaseva' used by all those celestial beings led by BrahmaDeva while worshiping Lord Shree Venakateshwara as per their cosmic planes' respective divine worship procedures....
The leftover Brahmateertham is offered as TeerthaPrasaadam to the Suprabhaata Ticket holders of the following dawn...
Maathru Shree TarigonDa Vengamaamba is one such highly pristine and yogic saints of this mortal plane who is a member of all those special celestial beings that arrive for Lord Shree Venkateshwara paradaiwa aaraadhana during the "Manushyeatara daiwika samooha Nisheedhi kaala Archana' that continues from EkaantaSeva thru SuprabhaataSeva as per our humans' time plane....
Such was the magnitude of her staunch penance that made her a closest devotee of Lord ShreeVenkateshwara so much so that she was guided by Lord Shree Venkateshwara himself to a mystical place called 'TumburuKona' to continue her penance when she was being disturbed a lot by the local folks of those days...
The reason why TumburuTeertham is regarded as one of the highly powerful and sacred teerthams of Tirumala even today is that her TapahShakti is transfused in to the waters of TumburuTeertham and is blessed to all the devotees who visit the theertham on every Pournami / full moon day and especially on the Phaalguna Pournami day that happens to be the TeerthaMukkoTi parvadinam for TumburuTeertham.....
One would find it very difficult and strange to ascertain the perennial source of TumburuTeertha water falls which seem as if they run down all the way from the heavens for all the magnanimity / mysticism / miracles / held by them....
She is regarded to be born with PrahlaadaamSha hence Lord TarigonDa Narasimha swaamy was her diety until she was guided by TarigonDa Shree LakshmeeNarasimha swaamy himself to reach Tirumala and join Shree Taallapaaka family to continue worshipping him as ShreeVenkataNaarasimha....
Many people including the then priests of Tirumala have insulted her in many ways for her abnormal Bhakti in treating lord ShreeVenkateshwara as her husband in her early days which was later on recognized and respected appropriately with the support of the saints of Taallapaaka Annamaachaarya family endorsing her as an integral part of their authoritative group that can enter AanandaNilayam for ShreenivaasaShreeKainkaryam because only a saint can recognize another saint to get united for Lord's worship....
However, a few arrogant folks were still jealous of the fact that a woman started worshiping Lord ShreeVenkateshwara on par with them and they continued their silent torture in the absence of Annamaachaarya group...
So she got irritated with this insane behavior of the so called sane people and requested Lord himself to guide her properly.. It was during this time when a group of her followers / fans on one side and a group of a few narrow minded folks on the other side started bothering her a lot, she was relocated by Lord to the TumburuKona and blessed her to continue her penance and attain siddhi...
However she requested Lord to allow her in to participate in the AanandaNilaya stitha Apraakrutha ShreeVaishnavaSaaligraama Dhruvabera aaraadhana that she has been doing all along upon which lord has blessed her with the SiddhaMaargam to be tread inorder to reach the AanandaNilayam to continue worshipping him as usual during the Nisheedhikaala aaraadhana that is alloted for all the super human species to worship the Lord...
Though she has attained a decent magnitude of Siddhi in a varied aspects,
because of being a human being she continued her previous practice of worshipping the AanandaNilaya ShreeVenkateshwara Dhruvamoorthi with flowers and Tulasi leaves
( Basil ) as usual....
This has always baffled the then priests as to how come there are fresh flowers and Tulasi leaves present on Lord's divine shreepaada yugalam that are different from those offered by them during the last night's ekanataSeva...
because no humans can enter the AanadaNilayam once it is locked after performing the EkaaantaSeva....
One fine day when a priest has finally decided to find out what's going on after the ekaantaSeva's completion he remained hidden in the AanandaNilayam itself even after the VendiVaakili was closed as per the protocol, he was astonished to see ShreeVengamaamba emanating from a dynamic outlet infront of the Lord in the form of a Siddha Tapaswini who went to worship the Lord with fresh flowers and Tulasi leaves and before he could approach her he couldn't bear the radiance of that SiddhaShareeram donned by Vengamaamba and got fainted then and there itself....
The next day he explained this to one all after which they all realized their arrogant behavior towards such a saadhwee Tapaswini and went on to find her whereabouts...Finally when they have learnt about her penance in TumburuKona they went there and offered their apology and requested her to come back to Tirumala to stay and continue worshipping Lord Shree Venkateshwara as she used to do before being to TumburuKona...
Though she accepted their apology and blessed them by being back to Tirumala, in a short span of time, she understood that it was time for her to go on in to Jeevasamaadhi to attain a full fledged SiddhaBhoomika and did so by taking the blessings of Lord Shree Venkateshwara to stay in her under-ground abode permanently very near to the Tirumala temple in the premises of the current (S.V.B.N.R high school tirumala), behind the ShreeVaikhaanasa ArchakaNilayam located on to the left side of the temple area....
With the blessing of a bhagawad bandhu named Shree KaruNaShree Timmaraaju gaaru, I, along with many other SheevaariSevaks, was graced with TarigonDa Vengamaamba Brundaavana darshanam for the first time during my very first ShreevaariSeva in 2012 when not even a proper sign board was present anywhere to guide devotees to such a magnanimous place..
Shree KaruNaShree gaaru and a few other Shreevaari Sevak devotees requested the then T.T.D E.O to place at least a small sign board named
" ShreeVengamaambaBrundaavanam" so that devotees can make their way to such a siddha pradesham.....
Even today, "TarigonDa Vengamaamba Brundaavanam" continues to be a majestic mystical place that makes our earnest prayers heard by Lord ShreeVenkateshwara much faster and stronger owing her involvement...
For me, it is on par with
" Shree Kanchi MahaaSwaami Brundaavanam",
" Shree Ayyappa Swaamy Devaalayam in the KaakinaaDa BhaanuguDi junction ",
"Shree Arunaachala RamanaMaharshi aashramam"
and so on....
for the immeasurable God's grace they shower on the devotees visiting / worshipping them....
For those who want to know how much of a hold she has on Lord ShreeVenkaTeshwara and his grace,
read her highly meritorious work of "ShreeVenkaTaachalaMaahaatmyam..."
that is considered as one of the supreme authoritative works on the magnanimity of Lord Shree Venkateshwara and Tirumala....
May Shree TarigonDaVengamaamba continue to bless all her /
Shree Venkateshwara Swaami's devotees with Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity in abundance...😊🍕👏💐🍨🍟🌸
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