Shree, some abc person, talks to another xyz person say for some 30 mins or so, to assess / judge the person on the other side...
and many people often forget the fact that the person on the other side too is assessing / judging the former internally, albeit in silence, while he/she responds to all the queries...
Most of the people, be it in an official interview or a professional discussion or a generic group discussion or as a matter of fact even in a very casual gossip, exchange not only ideas and opinions about a multitude of topics via their talks but also knowingly or unknowingly create an impression of the others in-line to the
on-going discussion or gossip.....
which can go to the extent of judging a person's suitability to consider or believe them for whatsoever situational requirements...
One can understand this very well from
The very first communication between Lord Hanuman and
Lord ShreeRaama/Lakshmana...
The discussion between the king of apes, Sugreeva and Lord ShreeRaam/Lakshman when he doubts the latter's abilities to kill his brother Vaali as promised during the friendship treaty arranged by Lord Hanuman...
and many other explanations from ShreemadRaamaayana Pravachanams as explained by sadguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru....
I would like mention a few points, specifically about
communicative patterns....
that play a vital role in many a situation,
especially when it is important to arrive at crucial decisions that govern the lives of many based on the decision taken with the available ideative metrics gathered from all the discussions...
1. When a person is called in for a professional discussion or an interview in general terminology....
A superior, say A, on the other side says
" Sit Down..."
Another superior, say B, on the other side says
" Have your seat...."
This very first phrase uttered tells
whether that superior is
Accommodative or
Assertive or
in their personality...
" Take your seat...." reflects an "Accommodative communication pattern"
" Sit Down..." reflects a
"Dictative communication pattern"
So, if one says that the lady who has exhibited her superiority by uttering
" Take your seat...."
can be accommodative in most of her executions, it isn't any exaggerated statement for that it is a proven fact in many a case studies...
and if one says that the man who has exhibited his superiority by uttering
" Sit Down...." is dictative in most of his executions, it certainly would be so...
2. When a superior, say C, addresses a large group of people reflecting many a statement of dictative communication patterns,
and another superior, say D,
addresses a large group of people reflecting many a statement of Accomodative and Assertive communication patterns,
it is indeed a sufficient amount of yardstick available for someone to assess their credibility and style of handling a situation and of course that of the people involved in it...
For a normal person, it may be difficult to understand these advanced processes of
" Arriving at the behavioral executions based on the communicative patterns.."
However, for a few, it is a subject that they have mastered to the extent of using it as an efficient tool to filter and extract the good out of the generic...
In the well known Shree Rudra Chamakam, the phrases
" Vaakchamay "
" DakShashchamay"
have embedded the power of this communicative science to bless the devotees who listen to / recite them
(with the appropriate ShRuthi required to recite them) all that is needed to extract the honey of " behavioral gist " from the flowers of " communicative patterns "...
ॐ अग्ना॑विष्णो स॒जोष॑से॒माव॑र्धन्तु वां॒ गिरः॑ । द्यु॒म्नैर्-वाजे॑भिराग॑तम् । वाज॑श्च मे प्रस॒वश्च॑ मे॒ प्रय॑तिश्च मे॒ प्रसि॑तिश्च मे धी॒तिश्च॑ मे क्रतु॑श्च मे॒ स्वर॑श्च मे॒ श्लोक॑श्च मे॒ श्रा॒वश्च॑ मे॒ श्रुति॑श्च मे॒ ज्योति॑श्च मे॒ सुव॑श्च मे प्रा॒णश्च॑ मेஉपा॒नश्च॑ मे व्या॒नश्च॒ मेஉसु॑श्च मे चि॒त्तं च॑ म॒ आधी॑तं च मे॒ वाक्च॑ मे॒ मन॑श्च मे॒ चक्षु॑श्च मे॒ श्रोत्रं॑ च मे॒ दक्ष॑श्च मे॒ बलं॑ च म॒ ओज॑श्च मे॒ सह॑श्च म॒ आयु॑श्च मे ज॒रा च॑ म आ॒त्मा च॑ मे त॒नूश्च॑ मे॒ शर्म॑ च मे॒ वर्म॑ च॒ मेஉङ्गा॑नि च मे॒உस्थानि॑ च मे॒ परूग्ं॑षि च मे॒ शरी॑राणि च मे ॥ 1 ॥
So, someone is not supposed to be called some random haphazard decision maker when it comes to taking important decisions or making crucial statements, based on the available, even if meagre, resources of any and every kind because one need not taste the entire dish to state what would it be like up until it's last scoop in most of the cases... ( barring any exceptions...)
So when some E has asked,
" I can see an Oasis over there at a distant horizon... Could you please tell me if the path I am treading is the most effective path to reach the same to quench my thirst..."
and when some F has answered
" I don't know whether you would be able to reach any water ponds if you travel this way... Even if you reach it, there would be many crocodiles and snakes in the pond...
So why don't you simply go elsewhere and search for another pond to quench your thirst..."
and when some G has answerd,
" I have never seen anyone being unable to reach it... It is a matter of patience and perseverance that takes you there successfully to quench your thirst...
And do remember to be careful with some hostile entities in-there while you quench your thirst...."
the delta difference between the aforementioned communicative patterns is the most viable source of arriving at the well wishers to listen to and to be successful...
Science always remains a Science whether it is Rocket Science or Matchstick science...
Magnitudes may differ, Methods may differ, Mediums may differ, but matter always remains the same...!
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