It's time for
GaNapati bappa moriya...aadhaa laDDoo Choriyaa....
Shankar ka BayTa...GaaDimay Baitaa...
Bolo Ganesh Mahaaraaj ki jai...
And all other catchy slogans as per the various local raise the spirit of a given pandal's Ganesh Ji and his most celebrated festival across the length and breadth of the nation....
It's an established fact that after Mumbai,
Hyderabad is known for the high magnitude Ganesha Navaraatra festival celebrations so much so that the Iron recycling business gets a new definition with Tons of Iron stands getting excavated from HussainSaagar soon after the last procession of the world famous Khairataabaad Ganesha's nimajjanam gets completed by treading the Khairataabaad to Tankbund stretch along with many a gigantic Ganesha from the various parts of the in and around suburbs of Hyderabad..
In addition to my earlier posts written on the magnanimity of Ganesh ji and his festival, let's talk more about the simple yet highly significant and sophisticated Ganapati tattwa Vaibhawam.....
Shree ChaaganTi sathguruvu gaaru has explained the Ganapati Vaibhawam as detailed by the MudgalaPuraaNam, the authentic work pertaining to Ganesha Tattwam, in various pravachanams and based on those authentic discourses let's discuss certain important aspects of Ganesha and his significance....
are the well known names amongst the various names attributed to the Ganesha Parabrahmam...
The 16 names described in the well known " Ganesha ShoDashaNaamastotram " are a common / generic recital for thousands and thousands of devotees in their every day's regular pooja/worship...
Each name holds a significant explanation of the Ganesha Parabrahma tattwam propounded by the linguistic and phonetic combination of various syllables that together form the same...
For example..
Vinaayaka : In sanskrit implies
VishishTa Naayaka : i.e., the one who is a supreme leader..
Ganesha / Ganapati :
Ganaanaam Eeshaha
Ganaanaam Patihi
i.e., the one who is the head/master for all the Ganam.
( The most generic meaning of Ganam would be a group, and there are various specific meanings for the word Ganam of which the most suitable one to be considered in this context would be RudraGanam to which Ganesha was made the chief leader by his Father Lord Rudra who owns all the Rudra Ganams of the entire universe... )
Vighneshwara : One who subsumes all the obstacles in to him to bless his devotees..
Gajaanana : One who has an elephant face/head.
And so on and so forth...
Of all the names, the most interesting one to discuss is the Gajaanana...
Because no other God has gone through a celestial 'Head transplantation process' after losing his humanic head to get an elephant head....( Other than HayaGreeva who went through a similar 'Head transplantation process' to get a horse's head... )
There are multiple dimensions to this legend of Ganesha becoming Gajaanana...
Even today we do have the Ganesha moorthi, in a Tamilnadu's temple, with a normal human head just like any other God as explained by Shree ChaaganTi gaaru...So it is indeed an interesting topic to discuss and know all those celestial points associated with Ganesha becoming Gajaanana....
"A turmeric idol was given life by Parvathi devi and that created celestial being was kept as a guard to her mansion. When Lord Maheshwara tried to enter her mansion, he was stopped and restrained by that Ganapathi and that has snowballed in to a war between Rudra and Ganapathi which has finally resulted in beheading the little Ganesha after which Parvathi devi has scolded everyone around for which Lord Shiva has ordered the Rudraganam to find an elephant that has slept with it's head towards North and then to remove and get it's head to fix the same to the beheaded Ganesha so that Lord Brahma Deva can reinstill life in to the combined unit to name it as Gajaanana..."
This legend might sound a bit weird...
Wife creates a new celestial living being...
Husband kills him for obstructing and disobeying him...
And then to pacify the situation he is brought back to life by fixing an elephant's head that was removed from an elephant that was sleeping with it's head towards North and subsequently he becomes the master for all the RudraGanam and there on takes various names in various incidents...
(Like Ekadanta, Skandaagraja, etc)
Are these some random irrelevant events that took place or is it that there is an embedded "tattwa pratipaadana" to propound which the legend has been created in such a fashion....
Obviously the latter...isn't it...?
ParaaShakti creating a new living being with turmeric off of her body implies a creation that is embedded with full of Shakti tattwam so much so that it didn't concede to Lord Parameshwara's ask to make way for him to enter their own mansion...
( Turmeric is known for it's varied wide usage in ShaakteyaAaraadhana for it's exponentially catalytic effect of invoking the unconquerable AadiParaaShakti's involvement to achieve certain targets...)
1. So, by fighting with Lord Parameshwara out of ignorance and arrogance, that celestial creature has resorted to Shivadooshana which wouldn't be tolerated by the raging RudraGanam as and when they come to know about it....
2. Hence Lord Shiva had to behead that creature's 'agnyaaana granthi samooham' that did not let him recognize the all pervading ShivaTattwam which is indeed an inseparable and intrinsic entity of the Shaktitattwam...
3. And then choosing an elephant's head to bring him back to life is to signify the below points...
A. A creature that has evolved from Shakti tattwam has to be stabilized by imparting the Shiva tattwam as well so that it becomes a completely consciousness and controlled entity....
It's head with the 'agyaana granthi samooham' present in the
Gnyaanendriya Sanghaatam comprising of Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Skin has been removed by Lord Rudra's Trident to which the Dhamaruk is tied...
ShivaDhamaruk signifies NaadaShakti which is nothing but PraaNaShakti.....
( Whether a person is a normal poor chap or a rich politician, the first thing any doctor would check for is their pulse and heartbeat which are the indicators of the embedded NaadaShakti in that living being.... If they are present as expected then those beings are considered to be normal else if they are present and are abnormal then those beings are considered as patients and are diagnosed accordingly else if they are absent then they are considered no more alive and are sent to mortuary for properly dissolving the mortal remains...
A rich politician's body might qualify for a funeral with sandal wood sticks where as a poor chap's body might end up with normal generally available neem wood sticks etc..... But the common point remains the same...that is the NaadaShakti has left their body because of which they have become 'bodies' from 'living beings'.....
By any chance if the NaadaShakti gets restored, then they are considered
re-alive...( which we would have read in some news papers about some patients regaining their life after some gap of losing the same)
So. here the NaadaShakti is indeed the PraaNaShakti which is our life...
Now coming to the animals, an elephant is the only living being that is embedded with explicitly exudable NaadaShakti which is authoritatively stated by the utmost powerful ShreeSooktam....
ōm ॥ hira̍ṇyavarṇā̠ṃ hari̍ṇīṃ su̠varṇa̍raja̠tasra̍jām ।
cha̠ndrāṃ hi̠raṇma̍yīṃ la̠kṣmīṃ jāta̍vēdō ma̠ āva̍ha ॥
tāṃ ma̠ āva̍ha̠ jāta̍vēdō la̠kṣmīmana̍pagā̠minī̎m ।
yasyā̠ṃ hira̍ṇyaṃ vi̠ndēya̠ṃ gāmaśva̠ṃ puru̍ṣāna̠ham ॥
a̠śva̠pū̠rvāṃ ra̍thama̠dhyāṃ
** ha̠stinā̍da-pra̠bōdhi̍nīm । **
śriya̍ṃ dē̠vīmupa̍hvayē̠
śrīrmā̍ dē̠vīrju̍ṣatām
1. Reinstilling the NaadaShakti in to the beheaded body of Ganapathi.
2. With the combined Shakti and Shiva Tattwam, the "reconfigured / resusticated" new celestial living being would become the most powerful of all the celestial beings and thus it is required that it must be not only intelligent but also wise unless which would be difficult to manage it...
3. An elephant is the only living being that is tamed by a mahout to be so much friendly so that it can hand us over it's own chains to lock it up so that it remains "tied to" some wall or a log etc....
And an elephant is the only animal that is considered by even lions and tigers as a strong competition for a ferocious unconquerable fight...
There can't be anything more dangerous than a messed up elephant....
In other words an elephant is a strong/powerful, intelligent/wise, friendly/supportive, and thus an all-rounder / a near perfect living being and was thus chosen by even Lakshmi Devi as one of her abodes....
Hence an elephant's head was rightly chosen to bring back to life the most powerful of all the celestial beings, Lord Ganesha....
( Why the head of an elephant slept with it's head towards North only is a different big subject involving complex topics of Geomagnetic Polarization, DakShiNaamoorti looking towards South, Uttara Kubera Sthaanam, etc etc that I am not going in to the details for now...)
4. Hence by adjoining an elephant's head, and by re-instilling and re-activating the NaadaShakti, the new Avataar of Ganapathi, i.e., the Gajaanana would become a much special celebrated entity which is essentially an amalgamation of ShivaShaktitattwam with every other supreme trait in it....
Health, Knowledge, Wisdom, Power, Wealth, etc etc.....
You name it...He has/gives it...
5. And an elephant has so many other specialities making it a supreme living being that has no parallel...
A. An elephant is a symbol of supreme prosperity...
"Gajavandanam" / "Gajaarohanam" / "Gajagamanam" / "Aishwarya Diggajam" / "AshTa diggajaalu"
( Though they are considered as 8 elephants bearing the planet earth on their heads in the 8 cardinal directions, they are essentially 8 different power elements pertaining to the respective cardinal directions symbolized by an elephant which is another different subject to be discussed later)
B. An elephant's tusks made up of ivory are one of the most precious elements that are like a magnet to draw ShreeLakshmiKataaksham...
( One would be astonished to look at the amazing handicrafts made out of an intricate ivory art that are exhibited in the T.T.D Museum atop Tirumala)
C. After snakes, elephants are considered to be the most supreme living beings with the strongest of subconscious memories so much so that they await several lives to accomplish their targets by taking new lives to fulfil the same. It is for this reason, Ganapathi chose a celestial serpent for his Daiwika Yagnyoapaveetam and got the name of
"Om NaagaYagnyoapavitinay Namaha..."
which is a symbolic representation of the unparalleled Gayatri Shakti possessed by him...
D. As explained by sathguru Shree ChagaanTi gaaru, an elephant's hair strands present on it's tail are considered to be a strong repellent of negative energies where as all other living beings' fallen hair ( Other than the fur of Chaamari Mrugam and Peacock ) is usually an accumulator of negative energies....
E. An elephant's sensual powers are so strong so much so that it can identify a supersonic jet cruising at several mph in the top most layers of the stratosphere and at the same time it can listen to the low frequency sounds of a small stream of water flowing at a distance of several miles...
And so on and so forth....An elephant's specialities are endless...
So, for someone who would be conferred with the name "Ganesha" to become the master of all the RudraGanam and would get declared as the first God to receive the prathama pooja ( "aadou poojyoa Ganaadhipa") in any devotional ritual (The Vishwaksena aaraadhana in ShreeVaishnava Sampradaayam is an equivalent of GanapatiAaraadhana for that Vishwaksena is none other than Ganapathi himself...),
whom would Lord Rudra choose to make his "reconfigured" celestial Son, other than Gajaanana....!
May the mighty Lord Ganesha bless all the devotees with abundance of Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity...!
Bolo Ganesh Maharaaj ki Jai..,!!😊
( Here are some random pics of my 2021-Ganesha during his Nimajjanam festival yesterday near IDL lake, Kukatpally...🍕💐😊🍨)
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