Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Shree Arunaachala Ramana Maharishi 2021 Jayanti wishes...💐🙏

For those who have had a chance to listen to "Arunaachala Maahaatmyam" discourses by sathguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru, one would understand how magnanimous is even a little smaranam of 
"Arunaachaala Shiva" every day....

As a matter of fact, as stated by sathguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru quite vehemently, the recital of the name "Arunaachalam" and an opportunity to visit the same can happen only with the merit accumulated across several lives for that such is the magnanimity of Arunaachalam and it's GiripradakShinam....

I, ( along with a small group of a few colleagues / friends who are interested in spiritual research topics / discussions ) was blessed with the very first time visit of Arunaachalam in 2014, in an all of a sudden tour after completing Tirumala Tirupathi darshanam. Thanks to Maadhavi madam gaaru, ( the name that is fondly mentioned by sathguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru in his Arunaachalam discourses as... 
' talli ArunaachalaMaadhavi ' ) who has become synonymous to Arunaachala tattwam and maahaatmyam for all the ardent devotees visiting Arunaachalam.  Especially, to all the Telugu speaking people visiting Arunaachalam, she is a blessing to reach out to in order to become familiar with Arunaachala maahaatmyam and it's intricacies without having to get troubled with the lack of proper Tamil comprehending skills...

My second time visit to Arunaachalam on the MahaaShivaraatri day of 2018 and participating in the Lingoadbhavakaala Abhishekam in AadiAnnaamalai temple from 12.30 AM to 1.30 AM jaagaraNa time, intrinsic to the then on-going GiriPradakshinam is certainly a great blessing of Arunaachaleshwara because that can happen only once in an year....
And for those who know,
AadiAnnaamalai temple is much older than the main ArunaachalaAgni Lingam temple...

One has to deviate slightly from the main road path taken to perform the regular Tiruvannaamalai circumambulation in order to reach the AadiAnnaamalai temple...
So, most of the people, whose focus is only on the Giripradakshinam miss out visiting this highly magnanimous and ancient temple in their Arunaachalam visit...

As stated by sathguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru, Arunaachalam visit / Giripradakshinam is considered as a highly meritorious factor in deciding the Jeevayaatra of a soul....i.e.,
it will lead to a substantially significant "JeevaUpaadhi" obtainment with 
"before and after the 
Arunaachala darshanam / Giripradakshinam..." as the distinguishing factor for the same.....

Such is the magnanimity of Arunaachalam that is extolled in the verse....

Darshanaath Abhrasadasi.... 
Jananaath Kamalaalayae....
Kaashyaanthu maranaan muktihi...
Smaranaath Arunaachalay.....

which means,  

Having the " darshanam " in "Chidambaram"... 
Having a birth in " Tiruvaaroor"....
Having death in "Kaashi"
Having a smaranam ( recall ) of Arunaachalam.....

will liberate a soul when believed with firm devotion and surrender...
( Bhakti and Prapatti / Sharanaagati )

Shree RamanaMaharshi, who took the glory of Tiruvannaamalai by taking the name of
to the global diaspora and drew umpteen pilgrims to Arunaachalam is one of the rarest of the rare Saadhus / Sadgurus / Monks of BharataBhoomi who have employed "silence" and "self-inquiry "
(Nee yaar..??) as the most simple yet productive and powerful means to uplift them from the all obvious human realms to the aspired spiritual realms based on the SaadhanaaBalam of a given devotee as a result of the merits accumulated across their several past lives ....

Exceptional tranquility with the prevailed inner and outer peace is the first and foremost thing a devotee would experience soon after stepping in to Arunaachala Ramanaashramam which is indeed the key pre-requisite for any kind of self-inquiry to yield successful revelations about themselves...

As a matter of fact, the greatness of ArunaachalaRamanaMaharshi is that he has made himself a ubiquitous spiritual medium for one and all to draw the immeasurable divine power of Arunaachalam for their respective spiritual upliftment by being a 'universal charger' to whom any devotee can easily connect himself or herself to draw the readily available processed spiritual power of Arunaachalam....

A 230 V AC power socket may not readily help a person to charge his/her mobile phone for whatsoever needs...
When there is a universal charger plugged in to it and available for us to connect our mobile devices to it and charge them up with the appropriate form of processed power available as an output of the universal charger, then it is indeed of great help....

Quite similarly, Shree ArunaachalaRamanaMaharshi has transformed himself in to that much required universal spiritual charger by connecting to whom any devotee would be able to find that solace and peace they are looking for in-order to have successful "antarvivechana" that is to plunge into themselves to find out the real  " I ", as an answer to their self inquiry of "Nee yaar..?"

Now coming to the spiritual intricacies of an unfathomable personality called 
" ArunaachalaRamanaMaharshi ", as explained by sathguru ShreeChaaganTi gaaru, he is revered as an amSha of SubhramanyaSwaamy who has made the AgniLinga panchabhoota ksheatram as his abode to impart the knowledge and wisdom for those who take the intellectual path for knowing the paratattwam dwelling within themselves...

There were many examples of his personified spiritual wisdom in being a 
witness to the human coil he is surrounded with and thus calling himself a jeevaatma / soul that is continuously observing it's body by identifying and distinguishing it's existence as a separate entity from the all obvious human coil in which it is dwelling in....

To name a few exceptionally uncommon incidents...

1. That incident of traveling towards the location of ArunaachalaAadi yogi in the dense forests of Tiruvannaamalai after coming across a huge banyan leaf which is believed to be the leaf of the huge banyan tree under which Lord Arunaachaleshwara is doing penance as Aadiyogi even today...
when honeybees have harmed his leg after he has allowed them to do so, for accidentally placing his leg on the honeycomb..(after which, due to the inflicted severe injuries by several bee stings, he couldn't walk properly all along his life....)

2. That incident where in he was treated by doctors for the Sarcoma disease and was accidentally placed in the room with heaters making his wound even more painful...
And his reply for the same being..
" Doctors have treated " it " assuming the wound will get healed up... These people have put " it " in a warm environment assuming it would find solace from the wound...but the wound grew in to a much deeper soar and I have been just watching all this drama " it " was going through...

And so on....

Trekking Mount Everest to install a flag post on the top most area of the same is different from watching a video of the same....
It takes several weeks / months of rigorous efforts to trek such heights amidst various adversities to sustain the existence at such higher altitudes to take a simple video of the same.....

Quite similarly, it might sound simple to talk about such a supreme state of a person who has elevated himself / herself to identify themselves as the 
in-dwelling soul / jeevaatma and to sustain the realm of existence in that elevated state.... however it takes the aggregated efforts of several lives in order to achieve such a blessed state....
and Shree ArunaachalaRamanaMaharshi is one such unfathomable icon of spiritual India who has elevated the glory and legacy of Arunaachalam on par with the elevated inner states of the self-consciousness he has established himself in, by being a powerful MounaYogi...GnyaanaYogi...and thus a SiddhaYogi who has surpassed a KarmaYogi...

May his blessings continue to enrich the lives of one and all who are having Arunaachalam in their thoughts....

"Smaranaath Arunaachalay...."

Arunaachala Shiva....Arunaachala Shiva....
Arunaachala Shiva....Arunaachala......

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