Friday, December 25, 2020

Wishing one and all a Merry Christmas 2020...😊🍕💐🍨🍟

May Lord bless one and all not only with a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Prosperous Life but also,

with a happy intelligence to understand that many others around us can be much more intelligent than that of us and thus staying humble adds beauty to that intelligence...

with a healthy knowledge to know that the more we learn we come to know that there always are many more things yet-to-be-learnt and thus staying humble adds beauty to that knowledge..

with a peaceful wisdom to assimilate the fact that we are not the only torch bearers for the entirety of the wisdom propounded by a plethora of philosophical works existing across the world for that it was percolated down to our times by our wisest ancestors and thus staying humble adds beauty to that wisdom.....

with benevolant prosperity that preaches us to imbibe humbleness in every walk of life for the fact that it wasn't there with us sometime ago and thus wouldn't be there with us after sometime for that the time that brings in every prosperous moment is the same time that gulps it back in to it....
and  thus staying humble adds beauty to that prosperity...

May the spirit of true Christmas enlight the lives of all the followers to bring in the glory of that right message from the Lord's life that has taught this world about the importance of humbleness in every walk of life that we tread as a blessing from the God.....

May Santa bring in all the goodies that we have ever wished for at some or the other point in time of our life to make it a fulfilled one...😊

Merry Christmas friends...!
Have a Peaceful and Prosperous X-Mas...!!
🥳😊🍨💐🍕🍟 💐

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