Sunday, January 24, 2021

Happy Shree Paushya Ekaadashi 2021...😊🍕🍟🍨

Shree Bammera Poatanaamaatya, revered as " Sahajakavi " ( "Natural Poet" ) in the spiritual literary world, is one of the most celebrated poets of the TelugunaaDu for his exceptionally erudite yet simple prose and poetry combined work 
"Shreemad Aandhra Mahaabhaagawatam"
( i.e., the Telugu transliteration of Shree VyaasaMaharshi's Sanskrit Shreemadbhaagawatam )

There are several reasons for it being respected above any and every literary treasure that was written by anyone or that is yet to be written by any,
because of it's status-quo earned by the obeisance payed by every literati  especially every spiritual enthusiast, 
devotee, scientist, researcher, explorer etc....

It is the only mighty literary treasure that is heralded as the eternal crown jewel of Telugu Literary World, for that it is an absolute embodiment of each and every philosophical, devotional, spiritual, scientific, exploratory, grammatical, verbal, intellectual, scholarly tenet that one can talk of ( in Telugu language  ) and thus there isn't any parallel to it no matter how many a great scholar is yet to come up with the best of his scholastic works of TelugunaaDu.....

And the much celebrated reasons for it's magnanimity as can be learnt from the preachings of venerated spiritualists like Sadguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru, Shree Mallaadi ChandraShekharaShaastri Gaaru etc,  who have not only assimilated the entirety of the nuances of Shreemadbhaagawatam but also have applied it's essence to their respective lives and thus have become synonymous to ShreeBhaagawata tattawam, 

1. Shree Bhakta Potanaamaatya didn't write it as a means to gain some good bucks by dedicating it to someone and earning royalty on it's best selling versions.... In his very first poem itself (give below), he made it very clear that reaching " ShreeKaivalyapadam " is his aim behind the mighty BhaagawataRachana and thus being a true "Mokshagaami ", he has never thought about the 'generic business factor' in his writings.

2. In fact, he never published his writings as a book but only kept them confined to his closets which were later found by his succeeding generations' kin and kith who have realized the unparalleled worth of the mighty devotional work ever written by any one, who then started sharing his work to this TelugunaaDu. If the then Bammera village itself doesn't know anything about his exceptionally erudite work during his days, then who else were his focus to dedicate his mighty work other than the one who inspired and blessed him to take up the sacred work of transliteration of Sanskrit Bhaagawatam, Lord SeetaRaamachandraSwamy.....
Yes, only lord and his magnanimity was his subject, his focus, his goal, his aim and finally that Lord ShreeRaam himself had to visit his home to pen down a few poems when Shree Poatanaamaatya wasn't getting enough ideas to describe the Gajendramoksha Ghattam about lord Shree MahaaVishnu descending from the holy abodes of Shree VaikunTham upon the elephant's plea to save it from the clutches of the 'crooked crocodile' that was torturing it time and again.

And thus ShreemadBhaagawata rachana directly encapsulates the power of Lord Shree Raam which makes it an eternal cynosure of the much celebrated literary world.

There is a famous verse that goes...
"Bhagawatamloni okka padyamainanu raanivaaDu asalu Telugu vaaDu kaajaalaDu...."
"One who doesn't know at least one poem from the thousands of poems in the Shreemadbhaagawatam can't be called a Telugu person."

Such is the profound impact of Telugu Sreemadbhaagawatam ever since it was brought in to lime light by his kin and kith.

And the fact that though he was a typical normal peasant who used to toil in his small farm for his agricultural needs like many a comman man of his times, 
he was an extremely blessed natural poet who was requested by none other than goddess Shree Saraswatee Devi asking him not to dedicate such a majestic divine work to some unworthy mortal.

Look at the respect given to him and his blessed prowess by goddess Sarawathi  who has questioned Shree AadiShankaraachaarya when the latter went to adorn the throne of "KaashmeeraSarvagnaPeeTham..." that is considered as the highest respect given to any erudite spiritual personality.

In addition to this, when an arrogant king came with his troops to forcibly get it dedicated to him, Lord VaraahaSwaamy himself appeared in front of his home to knock off those stupids pestering ShreePotanaamaatya to gain control of him and his works... 
Because ShreePoatana was transliterating the Yajnyavaraahamoorti Ghattam when that incident happened...!

Many such great occurrences from Shree Bhakta Poatana's period that dates back to approx 8 centuries ago, are very much a great discussion topics even today by venerated scholars.....

And the fact that ShreePoatana has invested all his spiritual energies and efforts combined with his unmatchable linguistic skills to pen down the Bhagawattattwam in such an unparalleled magnanimous way that has made it an all-in-one for every spiritualist, is the very reason why it will eternally keep touching million and millions of devotional hearts for thousands of millennia to come.

Inspite of being a personification of perfection in every aspect, ShreePoatana has humbly stated is his own work,

" Bhaagawatammu telisipalukuTa chitrambu...Shoolikainatammichookikaina
Vibhudha janulavalana vinnanta kannanta 
teliyavacchinanta tayTaparathu...."

" It is indeed a miracle to know and to talk about Shreemadbhaagawatam..
Even if it is to Brahma or Maheshwara....
As much as I have learnt by watching and hearing it from the eminent scholars, I will talk about it....."

For such an extraordinarily and exceptionally rich spiritualistic work, he is crowned as one of the eternal uncrowned Royal Trinity of TrilingaDesham ( TelugunaaDu ).
by including the phrase 'raaju' to their common names.

 i.e., the Trinity of 
Shree Potanaamaatya
Shree SadguruTyaagaraaya
Shree Kancharla Gopanna 
( Shree BhadraachalaRaamadaasu )
( Poataraaju, Tyaagaraaju, Goparaaju )

who took the greatness of Telugu Literature to the pinnacle of eternal glory that cannot be matched to any literary works fetching dozens of even the current noble prize or any other highest forms of respect payed to such majestic works weaved with embedded divinity and soaked spirituality amongst the content rich fathomability......

Let's take the below poem, 
i.e., a small drop from the mighty ocean of Shreemadbhaagawatam that talks about the immeasurable divine power in lucid terms to begin the majestic Shreemadbhaagawata grantham....

శ్రీకైవల్య పదంబుఁ జేరుటకునై చింతించెదన్ లోకర
క్షైకారంభకు, భక్త పాలన కళా సంరంభకున్, దానవో
ద్రేకస్తంభకుఁ, గేళి లోల విలసద్దృగ్జాల సంభూత నా
నా కంజాత భవాండ కుంభకు, మహానందాంగనాడింభకున్.

Shree kaivalyapadambu jearuTakai chintinchedan....
kealiloalavilsadRugjaala sambhoota
naanajanjaata bhavaanDakumbhakun...

It is a pleasure to read thru such a highly encapsulated poem that begins with 
" Shree ", the Shaakteya PraNavam that pulls in the power of the 3 individual syllables " Sha , Ra , Ee " to form " Shree " which has so many derived definitive pointers to many unexplained energy realms of which one would be :

Sha beejaakSharam refers to ShivaShakti
Ra beejaakSharam refers to VishnuShakti
Ee beekaakSharam refers to BrahmaShakti

Thus the combined Shree represents the amalmagated power of the Trinity.

Just incase should you need to validate the same, try uttering them by adding "umm" signifying naadaShakti or aadiparaaShakti herself to each of the individual syllables....


So, in the very first letter itself ShreePoatanaa has prayed and brought in the power of the unified form of Trinity and continues to praise the Paramaatma, 

one who is the protector of the world excelling at the art of taking care of his devotees....
 "LokarakShaikaarambhakun  Bhaktapaalana Kala Samrambhakun...."

one who grounds the arrogance of all the demons and nurtures the entirety of the cosmos created by him and residing in him, at ease with his ambrosian looks....

and one who is interestingly a kiddo of Aadiparaashakti...!
( MahaanandaanganaaDhimbhakun) 

At a macro level he executes AadiParaashakti's universal matrix and thus is praised as her Dimbhaka....
and at a mortal level he made himself Yashoda mayya's lad in his ShreeKrushnaavataaram and so is extolled as Mahaa Nandaanganaa Dimbhakun....
( Nanda refers to Vasudeva and Nandaangana refers to YashodaDevi) 

May that little nutkhat yashonandalaala ShreeKrushna and that might AadiparaaShakti's representative ShreeKrushnaParamaatma bless all the devotees on the occasion of happy PaushyaEkaadashi......

Maakkhan Churaatay....HamraMann bhi churayyo.

Bansee bajaatay....ToraBhaavnaa Bhijayyo......

RaasRachaatay....SabkaaJeevan Sajayyo......


Hare Raama....Hare Raama...!
Raama Raama Hare Hare.....!!
Hare Krushna...Hare Krushna...!
Krushna Krushna Hare Hare.....!! 😊

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