Friday, January 29, 2021

Wishing one and all a very happy 72nd Indian Republic Day......!🍕🍟🍨😊🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐


As a Nation, our ancestors / freedom fighters have fought and achieved Independence on 15th of Aug 1947 and to sustain the true spirit of that haasil kiyaagaya Independence, the then intellect of the country under the leadership of Dr.Ambedkar have studied and assimilated the best of the principles from all the other constitutions across the world to frame and execute the
Indian Constitution to bring it in to effect on 26th of Jan 1950 after which the Republic Nation of India has become one amongst those stabilized countries on the global map with a proper democratic executional polity matrix in place.

This is what we all know about in celebrating our national festival right from our childhood days along with savouring those 'mixture and sweet' packets presented to us by our school staff.

Now that a nation though had it's independence had a need to have a proper governing entity named 'Indian Constitution' in order to protect it's true sovereignty across all the aspects so as to make its existence a much meaningful one to all its citizens, isn't it imperative that we as independent individuals born on this SanaatanaDevaBhoomi have such a governing entity so as make our independent lives much meaningful ones to make them complete and full filled ones so that they become fruitful in all the aspects by getting guided by that governing or more precisely that helping entity...

Yes it is and that 'governing or more precisely that helping entity' is the "sathguruvaakku". Because God, since times immemorial has been the guiding beacon to the humanity in the form of guru paramapara and by establishing and executing his governing matrix via the lineage of revered Gurus, he has made himself available in the requisite form based on the belief oriented sincere prayers of a devotee.

As it goes, Imagine-Believe-Achieve is the generic mantra followed by everyone to reach their goals and fulfil their aspirations.

So, when it comes to the Spirituality, Devotion, or any other name that we give to that self imposed governing entity to make our lives fulfilled ones by following the umpteen tenets presented by this magnanimous SanaatanaDharmaBhoomi,

what is it that one should Imagine...?
in what should one Believe...??
and thus what is to be Achieved..???

would always intrigue us as its followers to find out GOD and his funda to apply it in the right methodology to our respective lives to make them fulfilled...

Let me take a very common example to explain this phenomenon so that we can imbibe the true essence of Gurutattwam and thus that of the Bhagawadtattwam so that we can make our lives spiritually Republic to make them fulfilled ones in our respective chosen paths...

Let's take MethiAluTamaaTar curry as an example...

Our goal is to successfully satiate our appetite by one of the finest flavors of MethiAluTamaaTar existing in this world...

So we Imagine the finest of the raw materials required like big brownish potatoes, big reddish soft yet stiff pulpy Tomatoes, Methi, Coriander, Curry leaves, spices and all the other typical ingredients involved in curry preparation.

Then we Believe that whatever curry we are going to make would be the finest of it's kind in the world because of our perfection to the possible limits.

Then we set out to Achieve the same as per our 'cooking knowledge base' acquired from all possible sources around.

In this whole story of arriving at our finest favourite dish, it is we who Imagine, who Believe and finally who Achieve the successful best delicious curry by executing our knowledge base to follow the cooking matrix.

Likewise for everyone else too it would remain the same. The only difference would be in the knowledge base adhered to, to execute the cooking matrix inorder to arrive at the best possible delicacy of MethiAluTamaaTar curry.

All others too would consider the similar Imagined raw materials. and would believe that theirs would be the most finest dish in the world. 

If our respective knowledge base and it's executional matrix is the finest one, then ours would be the finest dish. Because there isn't any point in pointing at the similar raw materials used by everyone else as any reason for others' dish's greatness....

Quite similarly, the scriptures, prayers,  philosophical tenets, books, and all other spiritual raw materials considered by many are pretty much the same.
The only difference is our respective  knowledge base and it's executional matrix that is believed and followed to arrive at the finest dish. 

If we believed that whatever we have procured is the finest knowledge base and whatever we have followed is the best executional matrix, then naturally the successful MethiAluTamaaTar prepared by us too is ought to be equally the finest dish.

Quite similarly, in our respective chosen paths, if we believe that we chose the right Guru to build the right knowledge base and have rightly followed his imparted wisdom to create our life's executional matrix, then naturally ours would be the best life or it is ought to be the best life as per our own creational matrix.
Yad bhaavam....Tad Bhavati.....

And thus would our respective lives would become successfully spiritually Republic making them fulfilled and fruitful as per our considered dreams, beliefs, and the corresponding executions...😊

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