Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Shree Kanchi KaamakoTi PeeTha 67 th jagadguruvareanya, Shree ChandraShekhara Saraswathi MahaaSwaami's 128 birth anniversary celebrations....😊💐🙏🍨🍕👏

Shree ChaaganTi sadguruvu gaaru has blessed the current generation with hundreds of pravachanams and the most referred to magnanimous personality in almost all of his pravachanams is 

HH Shree Kanchi Paramaachaaryaa....

Such is the impact of one great personality on another....
None of those who are currently alive on this planet would have had a darshan of
ShreeAadiShankaraachaarya, the unfathomable personality behind the establishment of the revered chaturaamnaaya peeTha jagadguruparampara with the DakShinaamnaaya Shrungagiri
peeTham in the Gurusthaanam for all the other 3 aamnaaya peethams....

Hence Shree AadiShankara has once again graced this modern kaliyugam in the form of Shree Kanchi Periyava....
As stated in multiple pravachanams by  Shree ChaaganTi sadguruvu gaaru,
Shree Kanchi MahaaSwaamy is extolled by many as " NaDichay Daiwam..." ,
" NaDichay Kaamaakshi..."
Such was the magnitude of his ShreeKaamaakshi Aaraadhana....

It was only his grace that many people who have had a chance to visit his sannidhi have submitted themselves to his excellence par divinity and have fine tuned their executions to realign them for common man's good....

While he was still a primary school kid who knew only ShreeRaamaTaarakaMantram with not much other spiritual know how,
he was appointed as the Kanchi Peetha uttaraadhikaari in an unfortunate situation of the then jagadguru's early demise ( along with his relative / elder brother's demise ) when no one else were available to adorn the much revered KanchiKaamakoTi peeTham that was the most magnificent of the 5 peethams established by Shree AadiShankaraaChaarya and the one to which ShreeAadiShankara himself was the very first Jagadguru...

Imagine the plight of a small boy who just went to visit their relatives during school holidays and was suddenly told to forget all of his life elsewhere because he is being made the Kanchi PeeTha uttaraadhikaari with immediate effect due to some unfortunate circumstances...!

From that hapless state of not even knowing what it means to wear the holy saffron robes with the all of a sudden imposed Sanyaasaaashrama sweekaaram to hold the SatyadanDam 24×7 as a custom of the PeethaSampradaayam,
he has burned several gallons of mid night oil to master umpteen Shaastraas all alone with the blessings from the previous jagadgurus' Brundaavanams located near by the Peetham and went on to become that mighty spiritual personality ever known by the Indian Diaspora infront of whom the entire world prostrated for his unparalleled and unfathomable supreme divinity that made him a walking Kaamaakshi...!!

His magnanimity was established not just in the fact that he became a world renowned Jagadguru with his Herculean efforts across several years of rigorous Adhyaathma Saadhana but also for the fact that he has always practised and advocated simplicity and remained a common man centric jagadguru....

Even the then British government have submitted to the divine supremacy of HH Shree Kanchi Mahaaswaamy and respected his words from their hearts..
Such a magnanimous personality of impact he was and he is and he would remain forever....

There was never a Jagadguru who requested all the devotees, during a large gathering, their time of about 5 mins every day as the GurudakShina to be offered to him, and asked them to practice ShreeRaamaTaaraka mantram
during that time for their well being...
Such was his concern about a common devotee..

The fact that even today he continues to bless all his devotees / Kanchi Kaamaakshi's devotees from his Brundaavanam itself so profusely so that it makes his title " NaDichay Daiwam " applicable to all the times....

For those who remember Shree ChaaganTi sadguruvu gaari explanation in one of his pravachanams...
" When HH Paramaachaarya went to Thirumala and had the darshan of Lord ShreeVenkateshwara...
all the media and other personnel over there gathered and asked him to answer their query of
"Who is it that is inside the AanandaNilayam...?
i.e., Shiva or Vishnu or Shakti or Bhairava or Kumaaraswaamy..." etc..

For which Shree MahaaSwaami has promptly answered...

" Adi VenkaTesha Parabrahmmamu..!"

to which everyone over there simply apologized for their inappropriate behavior in being judgemental about the Kaliyuga PratyakSha paramaatma infront of such a spiritual stalwart...

May the blessings of Paramaachaarya continue to fill the lives of thousands and thousands of devotees with Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity with the grace of Kanchi Kaamaakshi paraambika...🙏😊👏🍕🍨💐🍟


అపార కరుణాసింధుం జ్ఞానదం శాంతరూపిణం
శ్రీ చంద్రశేఖర గురుం ప్రణమామి ముదావహం ।।🙏




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