"ēkā̍ cha mē ti̠sraścha̍ mē̠ pañcha̍ cha mē sa̠pta cha̍ mē̠ nava̍ cha ma̠ ēkā̍daśa cha mē̠ trayō̍daśa cha mē̠...."
and so goes on the Shree RudraChamaka paaraayanam.....
as it keeps going on...it is not the Parameshwara in front of us who is all that is being extolled as "Eakadasha chamay Trayoadasha chamay......"
it is indeed our very own soul that becomes one with the Parameshwara ShivaLinga swaroopam being worshiped in-front of us after the Adwaita Siddhi gets conferred upon us as we get engrossed in the Abhishekam / Ablution ritual in-tune to our Bhakti and ChittaShuddhi....
i.e., when we are extolling Parameshwara saying.....
"You are 11....You are 13.....You are this...
You are that...."
and so on and so forth .....
It is indeed us who are becoming....
"I am 11...I am 13.....I am this...I am that...."
and so on and so forth .....
and thus the "mighty" "NirvaanaShatkam" by HH Shree AadiShankaraachaarya states....
manobuddhyahaṅkāra cittāni nāhaṃ
na ca śrotrajihve na ca ghrāṇanetre .
na ca vyoma bhūmirna tejo na vāyuḥ
cidānandarūpaḥ śivo’ham śivo’ham ||1||
Neither am I the mind nor intelligence or ego,
Neither am I the organs of hearing (ears), nor that of tasting (tongue), smelling (nose) or seeing (eyes),
Neither am I the sky, nor the earth, neither the fire nor the air,
I am Shiva, the supreme auspiciousness of the nature of consciousness-bliss.
I am (Shiva) the auspiciousness.
Hence I am 11 😊🎂🍦🍧🍕🍨
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