Saturday, May 6, 2023

Shree 2023 Shoabhakrut naama samvatsara Vaisaakha maasam's 'Ganga Pushkaraalu'...

Shree 2023 Shoabhakrut naama samvatsara Vaisaakha maasam's 'Ganga Pushkaraalu' marks the glorious celestial celebration of Bruhaspati's transit in to the Mesha Raashi..
(in Ashwini Nakshatram)

12 significant Indian rivers celebrating 12 pushkarams sequentially as and when Jupiter transits in to each of the 12 Raashis is an eternal cycle that has been going on and on and on since times immemorial....

Apart from the above spiritual terminologies, lets look into the physical/geographical/spatial/geo-spatial/cosmic perspective of the pushkaraalu celebrations by taking an example of the mighty 2023 Ganga pushkaraalu....

So, the next Ganga pushkaraalu would be held in 2035 when Jupiter completes a revolution around the Sun and reaches the same orbital point to cast the same cosmic effect on the same river waters....

In the meanwhile such similar cosmic effects of Pushkaraalu are imparted to the other 11 rivers namely.....

1. Ganga (Bruhaspati's transit in to Mesha Raashi)

2. Narmada, (Bruhaspati's transit into Vrushabha Raashi)

3. Saraswathi (Bruhaspati's transit into Mithuna Raashi)

4. Yamuna (Bruhaspati's transit into Karkaataka Raashi)

5. Godavari (Bruhaspati's transit into Simha Raashi)

6. Krishna (Bruhaspati's transit into Kanya Raashi)

7.Kaveri (Bruhaspati's transit into Tula Raashi)

8. Taamraparni / Tapati (Bruhaspati's transit into Vrushchika Raashi)

9. Sindhu (Bruhaspati's transit into Dhanoo Raashi)

10. Tungabhadra (Bruhaspati's transit into Makara Raashi)

11. Bhimavati / Bhima (Bruhaspati's transit into Kumbha Raashi)

12. Pranahita / Praneeta (Bruhaspati's transit into Meena Raashi)

as and when the Jupiter transits in to one of the 12 designated Raashis...

For someone to be able to comment on a rocket's voyage in the skies, they need to be a rocket science engineer/scientist or are supposed to have a decent awareness about the key concepts of rocket science engineering....
Otherwise, they would only be able to make lousy, callous comments filled with stupidity and foolishness.....

So is the case with any other engineering discipline and, as a matter of fact, so shall be the case with spiritual engineering as well....

If someone isn't aware of the meta-physical properties of planets and other Interstellar objects and their cosmic effects on earth bound living beings, their lousy and callous comments would only be filled with their ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and foolishness which anyways would be least bothered by the erudite, intellectual, wise folks of the well educated society....

Ok let's come back to the actual point of celebrating Pushkaraalu and their significance......

As per geospatial science, it is not just the Sun and the Moon that affect the lives of Earth bound living also includes the other objects present in the solar system namely the neighbouring planets and of-course the distant stars.....

Do you know why the weekdays mentioned below are named so and are signified by a symbolic connection to a specific planet of the solar system.....?

Monday :: Somavaaram :: Indu vaasaray

Tuesday :: Mangalavaaram :: Bhoumya/Kuja vaasaray

Wednesday :: Budhavaaram :: Budha/Soumya vaasaray

Thursday :: Guruvaaram :: Guru/Bruhaspati vaasaray

Friday :: Shukravaaram :: Bhrugu vaasaray

Saturday :: Shanivaaram :: Sthira/Manda vaasaray 

Sunday ::  Aadivaaram :: Bhaanu/Ravi vaasaray

To those who have been blessed by sathguru ShreeChaaganti gaari magnanimous discourses, the concept of a day getting started with a specific Hora would answer this question....

The Hora time (approx an hour's duration) during a day's sunrise is specifically earmarked by the name of the planet that casts a specific type of maximum cosmic effect on the Earth in conjunction with the Sun and thus that particular day is named after that particular planet....

For example, on every given Thursday's sun rise time, the very first hora would be a Guruhora / Bruhaspati hora and thus the day too is named after Bruhaspati...

In a similar fashion, for every 12 years taken by Jupiter (Guru/Bruhaspati) to complete a revolution around the Sun, it casts a specific type of cosmic effect that rejuvenates one of the 12 Indian river waters based on the Rashi of the Jupiter's transition owning to its palnetary placement and this radiated BaarhaspatyaShakti is spread all along the river waters by PushkaruDu, a godman who was blessed with the rule on all the river waters to make them highly holy during the Pushkar times for a duration of 12 days during aadi pushkaraalu and 12 days during antyapushkaraalu.....

Hence it is considered highly meritorious to have a holy dip in these river waters during their 12 days' pushkaraalu which will enhance the jeeva punya sanchayam / merits accumulated across the lives, in-order to lead us towards higher and better standards of life as per the punarjanma Siddhaantam.......

And the Ganga Pushkaram is certainly a much more celebrated event for that Ganga itself is the most celebrated river of India both physically and meta-physically.....
The reason why Indians feel very proud of the phrase " Jis Desh may Ganga Behti hai..." is....

Ganga is extolled as Tripathagaamini
i.e., that which traverses 3 worlds....
the upper worlds in the name of AakaashaGanga / SuraGanga / Mandaakini, the earth in the name of Bhaagirathi / Ganga,
the netherworlds in the name of Bhogawati.....

It is because the very reason for GangaavataraNam is sage Bhageerath's staunch penance to make the suraGangaa flow over the '10000 sagaraputra bhasmaraashulu',
(The 10k sons of Sagara chakravarthi are his ancestors of Soorya Vamsham who were reduced to ashes by KapilaMaharshi in the netherworlds, for insulting the latter in the name of Yaagashwam's thief)
so that his ancestors achieve salvation with the flow of Ganga waters on their ashes/mortal remains.....
Since then, it has become a practice for all human beings, to submit their deceased elders' funeral's ashes to Ganga to help them get salvation akin to how the Sagaraputrulu got liberated in the paataalalokam...

Ganga is extolled with the names,

which implies it has the power of the trinity embedded in it in various micro forms and thus Ganga's blessings are equivalent to the united Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara's blessings....

Soorya putrika, YamadharmaRaaja's,  Saturn's sister, Yami has taken the form of river Yamuna and was subsequently blessed by lord Krishna to amalgamate with river Ganga at the Prayagraj to achieve the status of the most scared river.....
And river Saraswati too amalgamates at the Prayag sangamam in its invisible / hidden / antarvaahini form....

Hence, Ganga that flows after the Prayaaga, also embeds the blessings of Saraswati Devi, Yamuna and thus that of the entire Sun's family...
and thus Ganga is none other than Kaalaswaroopini....
i.e., the perennial flow of Ganga, symbolises the eternal flow of time...

A great sage/saint who undergoes a staunch penance is bestowed with the power of NaadaShakti, a cosmic power to get connected with any part of the universe....
And thus Ganga embeds the universal power of NaadaShakti, by becoming Jaahnavi after getting captured by and released from Jahnu Maharshi's right ear....

After reaching the "Narayanpur Pump canal, Mirzapur, UP", Ganga starts becoming Uttaravaahini up until PanchaGanga Ghat of Varanasi, and thus as explained by sathguru Shree Chaaganti gaaru, the Kashi Ganga is considered as a highly meritorious flow....

As per another boon bestowed to Ganga,
as long as she is worshipped with the GangaaHaarati event everyday, she will continue to flow in a smooth/non-turbulent manner in Kashi without affecting any of the Assighats....and thus we can see the magnanimous DashaAshwamedha Ghat celebrating the glorious GangaaHaarati festivel everyday....

And the temple city of Kashi, one of the 7 Mokshapuris of SanaatanaBhaaratam, is akin to Kanchi, with many temples spread all along the Kaashi ghats.....
Kaashi ViShaalaakshi Shaktipeeth temple, Kaashi Annapoorna temple, Kaashi Vaaraahi temple, Kaashi Kaalabhairava temple, and the jyotirlinga Kaashi Vishwanath temple being the most prominent and the celebrated ones....

Thanks to the latest renovation projects of 'Kaashi Vishwanaath Corridor', for that we now have much better, neat, spacious, Kashi Vishwanath temple premises to serve another 10 decades of continuous pilgrimage influx for a hassle free Vishwanath Darshanam for all the devotees reaching the temple from multiple entry points....🙂🍨🍿🍦🍧🍕🎂💐

The mighty Mohamudgaram / BhajaGovinda stotram blessed to mankind by Shree Aadi Shankaraachaarya, extolls the magnanimity of Ganga waters in its 20th verse....

भगवद् गीता किञ्चिदधीता,
गङ्गा जललव कणिकापीता।
सकृदपि येन मुरारि समर्चा,
क्रियते तस्य यमेन न चर्चा॥20॥

GangaaGangayti yo brooyaat...

Namaami Gangay...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
HarHar Gangay....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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