This Karteekamaasam holds a great amount of significance for Deepaaraadhana and KaarteekaDeepam has a great amount of prominence in the various physical and meta physical realms for those who respect and worship the KaarteekaMaasam and it's spirit.
Deepaaraadhana near a Gooseberry tree ( Aamla Tree ) is considered highly auspicious all along the 30 days of the KaarteekaMaasam.
Especially on the below 5 important days
and on all the Mondays of the Kaarteeka maasam.
1. Kaarteeka Shuddha Tadiya
2. Kaarteeka Shuddha Eakaadashi
3. Kaarteeka Shuddha DwaadaShi
4. Kaarteeka PourNami day,
5. Kaarteeka Bahula Eakadashi
i.e on the 3rd, 11th, 12th, 15th, 26th lunar days of the Kaarteeka maasa Chaandramaana almanac because of the celestial importance given to those days.
Now let me don the role of an ambitious immaculate Senior Product Manager who leaves no stone unturned when it comes to analyzing a product and all of its features with a special focus on the marquee features or the various components of an enterprise level J2EE product or an end-to-end e-commerce application say flipcart or mazon or ibay or something else....
Here the end-to-end e-com application would be analogous to a phenomenon called "Complete Kaarteeka maasa deepaaraadhana" and the same is being analyzed with a one-to-one mapping to the various features / components of the product and the various intrinsic physical and meta physical spiritual tenets of KaarteekaDeepaaraadhana process.
A generic commerce application is something that has been out there in the software world since quite a long time with many a retail gaint implementing their own customized version of a typical commerce application suite to fulfil their various needs according to the size of their ever increasing customer base, number of outlets, business turn over, and so on and so forth.....
Be it the age old Valmart giant in the US or the Indian implementations of the same like NETRO Cash&Carry, B-Mart, Veritage, MigBazar, Aeliancefresh and so on and so forth....
With a situation of the ever increasing population across the world, the need to minimize the end-to-end business implementation cost and maximise the revenues and net profits along with customer satisfaction, there was a need to come up with a customer focussed & customer centric version of a commerce application where in the provision to procure the desired merchandise lies in the hands of customer at a click of a mouse to get it delivered to their home and thus do we see all these flipcart, mazon, ibay and so on and so forth....
Likewise, the process of a generic Deepaaradhana is a typical day to day activity of any SanaatanaDharmaavalambitaKuTumbam
and the "Kaarteeka Deepaaraadhana" is the enhanced version of the same to allow a limited time duration provision to fetch more puNyam at the comfort of performing the similar process of deepaaraadhana near an AamlaTree/Temple/RiverShore etc.
The Product Management's perspective of the various features combined together to form a mighty product offering would be the most comprehensive study anyone can make in order to establish an authoritative reasoning for the 5W1H matrix of
What, Why, When, Where, Who and How
for each and every detail of the product and it's appropriate successful implementation at various levels as desired by the firm's top management.
And quite similarly only an enlightened Sathguru's perspective can provide a complete comprehensive understanding of the essence of the KaarteekaDeepaaraadhana, it's merits along with all other allied human benevolent factors of the KaarteekaDeepam.
Agni Aaraadhaana / Deepaaraadhana contains the strongest hold of the SanaatanaDharmaVaibhawam that is extolled by the VedaPaaraayanam saying
" AgnimeelayPurohitam YagnyasyaDevaRutvijam....."
A typical e-com application involving B2B / B2C implementation models lives in it's 3 segmented framework.
1. The customer centric storefront / workstation / user interface / or whatever may be the name given to the GUI application that is aimed at establishing successful communication channel with all of its users / customers out there in the world with a varied feature set based on the available user categories.
2. The core server implementation which is akin to a car's core engine that typically remains hidden from the external interface and is accessible only to a few designated authoritative personnel.
( namely the owners or the implementors of the application for all obvious reasons )
3. The agent module that serves as a bridge between the core server and the user centric segment along with all the other allied 3rd party integrations that are aimed at enhancing the feature set of the entire e-com application suite as a whole single unit.
Like wise
A typical deepaaraadhana involves a
Diya - A container to hold the solution used to light the lamp.
A 3 fold wick that holds the fire on it's one end and the other end remains immersed in the solution. ( Ghee or Oil)
A base plate or a similar container on top of which the actual Diya is placed on.
For a lamp to glow vibrantly, it needs to be light properly so that it can consume the right amount of oxygen from it's surroundings and the right amount of fuel to burn the lamp steadily to provide the desired amount of light and heat.
Now let's talk about the innate spiritual intricacies embedded in the Deepaaraadhana.
( Discussing the innate technical intricacies of an e-com app / product implementation may not be very comprehendable to the common folk. Hence I have confined it to the above reasonable discussion to get going with the actual topic of KaarteekaDeepaaraadhana )
The container represents our very own human body that is full of Jalatattwam.
( A typical lamp may hold some kind of oil or ghee to sustain it's jalatattwam. But the container called a human body holds an amalgamation of various jalatattwa in an embedded form. )
The 3 fold wick represents the combined form of the 3 individual states that we keep living in. They are known as the Avasthaatrayam.
1. Jaagrat
2. Swapna
3. Sushupti.
i.e., 99% of our life gets lived in these 3 states of
1. awoke,
2. in dreams,
3. in slumber
( Let's put aside that 1 % for Tureeyaavastha achieved by a few in their various established yogic states)
The bright Jwaala/flame of a lamp represents the ChaitanyaShakti of a human being. i.e., the power of our consciousness.
Just like that AgniJwaalaa / flame keeps glowing in 3 different colors / variants of
Blue, Yellow and Red,
The power of human consciousness too keeps establishing itself in 3 different attached states...
1. @ the physical body state / deahaSthaayi
2. @ the sensual body state / IndriyaSthaayi
3 @ the soul state / JeevaatmaSthaayi
and keeps fluctuating among these 3 states of consciousness just like a lamp's Jwaala/flame that keeps flickering in those 3 colors / variants..
For a lamp's flame these 3 colors / variants remain always inseparably coexisting and visible all along the flame's life time.
Whereas a human being's consciousness need not be the same. It has the liberty to establish itself in either of those 3 states as per it's various physical and meta physical needs.
The three colors / variants in a flame also represents the triguNa tattwam of a human consciousness.
Sattwa / Rajas / Tamo guNatattwam which keeps a human being occupied in either of these tattwam trayam.
It is for a yogi to whom these 3 sthitis / states of Jaagrat/Swapna /Sushupti and 3 tattwams of Sattwa/Rajas/Tamo guNa
are aligned in equilibrium to void their relative existence by their absolute amalgamation in his various yogic capacities in order to have the
" paramaatma darshanam " which is essentially " paramaatma tattwaanubhooti" as per the attained supreme yogic state that uplifts the consciousness to various higher realms which is also termed by a few as "KundaliniBhedanam" at that attained supra consciousness.
( It is extremely complicate to exactly define the absolute process of
"Kundalini Bhedanam" because it is a supreme yogic state of getting the upward cosmic consciousness attached to the human body / senses / soul and in the process of the same a human body ceases to establish it's regular physical presence and starts to get transcending in to those upper levels of supreme consciousness which makes it a super human body where in the regular sensual power gets transformed to infinite supreme consciousness to rise above the usual limits of this "paanchabhoutika prapancha paridhi." i.e., based on the yogic state attained the 5 primordial Universal elements of the Sky / Air / Fire / Water / Earth ( in the reverse order ) establish their synonimity with the human body's elements of the same nature elevating them to rise above those defined worldly limits which makes them the controller of those elements and in the longer sustained states a master of them as well.
Like Shree AadiShankarachaarya who was able to sustain his elevated Yogic state of earthen mastery making him unaffected by the walls / roofs in MandanaMishra's house when he was called in to establish his mastery on tattwa vignyaanam in a scholarly debate. )
Even the most beautiful representation of an art can't be applauded appropriately unless the one who creates it and the one who becomes a target audience / judge / for the same are well versed and are in sync in comprehending the exhibited art and it's intricacies.
Quite similarly, the finest of the various yogic states and the respective terminologies do not make much sense to many a common folk unless the one who exudes them and the one who can comprehend them in a right perspective are in sync.
Kaarteeka Deepaaraadhana is the celebrated form of the regular Deeparaadhana by performing it near an AmlaTree / Temple's premises / River shore / where in the power of that Deepaaraadhana gets multipled exponentially because of the Kruttika Nakashatram's effect.
A flowing river, a Temple's Kalasham/Chakram placed on the structure's zenith / an Amla fruit / Tree etc hold a certain pattern of cosmic energies that get amplified by the Kruttika Nakshatram's effect and so the Deepaaraadhaana performed in those places will yield greater merits.
Just in-case if you have ever observed an Amla fruit, it's seed binds together the 8 exact crescent moon shaped slices of the fruit ( generally available fruit has 6 slices and the bigger forest "naaTuUsirikaai" has 8 slices). The same pattern exists in every water molecule of the flowing water in a river and the emanating energies from a temple's spire.
The 8 crescent moon shaped slices embedded in an Amla fruit represent the unified cosmic binding of the Parameshwara Asthamoorti tattwam as explained by sathguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru.
The 5 primordial elements of
Sky, Air, Fire, Water, Earth + Sun + Moon + Jeevaatma and the combined energies of these 8 tattwams influence the life of every living being on the planet and thus the AamlaTree aaraadhana is heralded as a mighty form of worship especially in the Kaarteekamaasam.
"DhaatriVruksham" is the Sanskrit name for Indian gooseberry tree. Dhaatri also means planet.
One would certainly be astonished to see how the bunches of perfect spherical shaped heavy gooseberries remain dangling to the thin branches of AamlaTree. And quite similarly one would be astonished to see how the mighty eternal Parameshwara AshTamoorti tattwam originates and establishes it's greatness via various yogic practices in this volatile human body itself..!
If one can have a bird's eye view of a fully blossomed AamlaTree with several bunches of yummy delicious gooseberries that taste something of a
"sour+sweet+acidic" combination, it looks very much like Lord Shreemannaaraayana holding the reigns of several cosmos emanating from his very own celestial body or like Shree Aadiparaashakti holding the reigns of this cosmos in her Shaakambari avataaram.
Kaarteekadeepadaanam using an Aamla fruit is considered highly auspicious for this very own reason especially even more auspicious when performed on the 12th lunar day of KaarteekaMaasam.
i.e., On the highly auspicious Kaarteeka Suddha Dwaasashi known as Ksheeraabdhi Dwaadashi / Kaishika Dwaadashi / ChilukuDwaadaShi.
Because Dwaadashi is a paraanaTidhi.
And as per the above mentioned greatness of an Aamla fruit, performing a Deepadaanam by placing it on an Aamla fruit to a sathbraahmanoattama considering him none other than Lord ShreeMahaaVishnu, will bestow the merits of donating the entirety of cosmos to its controller because of the Ashtamoorti tattwam embedded in the AamlaFruit.
And it is to be noted that Hari Hara are two sides of the same coin.
They are the 2 inseparable eternal entities like the two parallel fixed equidistant bulky iron bars that together form a single railway track for a train called 'Universe' to be run smoothly by the AadiParaaShakti.
Hence there isn't / wouldn't be / shouldn't be any difference between Lord Shree Hari and Hara and thus the Shruti Vaakyam goes
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शिवाय विष्णु रूपाय शिव रूपाय विष्णवे |
शिवस्य हृदयं विष्णुं विष्णोश्च हृदयं शिवः ||
यथा शिवमयो विष्णुरेवं विष्णुमयः शिवः |
यथाsन्तरम् न पश्यामि तथा में स्वस्तिरायुषि|
यथाsन्तरं न भेदा: स्यु: शिवराघवयोस्तथा||
This mantra/sloka is found in the Yajurveda. It can also be found towards the end of the Yajurveda Sandhyavandanam.
Shivaaya Vishnu Roopaaya, Shiva Roopaaya Vishanave |
Shivasya Hrudayam Vishnur, Vishnuscha Hrudayam Shivaha ||
Yatha Shivamayo Vishnuhu, Yevam Vishnu Mayaha Shivaha |
Yathaantharam Na Paschyaami,
Thatha Me Swasthi Ra Yushi ||
Meaning :
Shivaya vishnu roopaya- vishnu's roopa/beauty and his avatar is none other than shiva. In other words: shiva is vishnu.
Shiva roopaya vishnuve - the one in shiva roopa is none other than vishnu. In other words: vishnu is shiva.
Shivscha hrudayagam vishnu, vishnuscha hrudayagam shiva - vishnu resides in shiva's heart, and shiva resides in vishnu's heart.
Yatha shiva mayo vishnuhu, yevam vishnu mayah shiv - vishnu will be found in the same place you find shiva, and shiva can be found in the same place vishnu is. As is if you find one, you have found the other.
Yathantaranna pashyami, thathatme swasthi ra yushi - we are one and the same. Until a person dont find any difference between those two he will be safe and long living"
स्कंदपुराण २३ । ४१ :
यथा शिवस्तथा विष्णुर्यथा विष्णुस्तथा शिव: ।
अन्तरं शिवविष्ण्वोश्र भनागपि न विद्यते ।।
अर्थ = "जैसे शिव हैं, वैसे ही विष्णु हैं तथा जैसे विष्णु हैं, वैसे ही शिव हैं । शिव और विष्णु में तनिक भी अंतर नहीं है।"
Lets see what AGNIPURANA said :
yo vishnu bhakthivyajena, shiva bhakthichhalena vaa |
dvestinaa shankaram vishnum, tham gruhnidvam mamanthikam ||
Meaning: bring them to me "people who hates vishnu in the name of shiva and people who hates shiva in the name of vishnu" said yama.
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Shree Kaarteeka Daamodara Devataabhoah Namaha...🙏😊
Shree Kaarteeka Trayambako Devataabhoah Namaha.....🙏😊
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