Finally here is the 'Kaarteeka Maasam' where the moon shines the brightest in the skies with the Krittika Nakshatra's coalition on the Karteeka PourNami day.
" SharadRutuKaarteekaPournami ", the full moon day of the KarteekaMaasam where the autumn moon refracts the brightest of the light from the Sun and exudes the finest of the Power from the coalition of the Krutthika Nakshatram.
This KaarteekaPourNami day is considered as one of the most auspicious day of the year and stands a much celebrated and cherished day of the almanac.
It is because of the energy transfusion that results out of the moon's coalition with Kruttika, one of the most powerful and luminous stars as per Astrological and Astronomical observations.
In the regular 27 stars' list,
Ashwini... Bharani....Kruttika..... and so on
if one can pay proper attention to the fact that there are only 12 stars that result in a successful coalition with moon by the time he reaches a full moon day to shine brightly with all the 16 variants of the "Auras resulting via energy transmission process" known as "ShoDashaKalalu" upon completion of which, i.e., on the 15th lunar day, the 'PoorNakaLa' or the invisible 'Amrita kaLa' is attained by moon which results in the most precious energy transfer mechanism from the cosmos/space to the earth which is perceived / worshipped / harnessed / experimented / and so on and so forth to the various capacities an individual holds as a result of all the efforts put in to understand the moon and all the allied knowledge and wisdom behind the eternal 'Twilight Saga'
1. Ashwini - AashwayujaMaasam
2. Bharani,
3. Krittika, - KaarteekaMaasam
5. Mrighasira, MaargaShiramaasam
6. Ardra,
8. Pushya, PushyaMaasam
9. Ashlesha,
10. Magha, MaaghaMaasam
11. PurvaPhalguni,
12.Uttara Phalguni,
13. Hasta,
14. Chitra, Chaitra Maasam
15. Swati,
16. Vishaka, VaishaakhaMaasam
17. Anuradha,
18. Jyestha, JyeshtaMaasam
19. Moola,
20. Purvashada,
21. Uttarashada,
AashaaDha Maasam
22. Sharavan, Shraavana Maasam
23. Dhanishta,
24. Shatabisha,
25. Purvabhadra,
26. Uttarabhadra,
Bhaadrapada Maasam
27. Revati.
From the above almanac list, let's switch the gear from spiritual realm to the science and technology to discuss further on the power of stars and moon and their combined marvellous phenomenon resulting in various unfathomable, awe-inspiring and amazing miracles of space during the nights.
In the below binary code, " 1 " represents a star that results in a successful coalition with moon on it's full moon day and
" 0 " represents a star that doesn't when viewed from earth.
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
Now if one can decode the above code for a number of spiritual messages it holds as can be understood by the knowledge and wisdom blessed by their Gurus and God, it conveys many a great philosophical tenets that have always been a subject of R&D for many renowned scientists and research scholars across the world in various elite universities.
Now that I am talking about the greatness of KaarteekaMaasam let me confine my decoding and discussions to the concerned topic.
" 101010 ", this pattern occurs only twice in this binary code of length 27 bits and is only for the stars that are decided as the "3 starting stars" by our ancient Indian research scholars i.e., our Vedic Pundits / SanaatanaDharma Shaastra / JyotiSha Shaastra scientists.
"3 staring stars"
"Ashwini, Bharani, Kruttika...." in the list of "Almanac stars to begin a Hindu Lunar Stars' list with"
"Chaitram, Vaishaakam, JyeashTam..." in the list of "Almanac months to begin a Hindu Lunar calendar year with"
the perfect symmetry of a flip flop contiguous sequence inclusive of a left shift when considered as a circular list to append an additional 0 to the sequence.
For those ardent listeners of Shree ChaaganTi sathguru gaaru, it is already well known as to why the former list takes higher precedence compared to the latter.
I mean the "Ashwini Bharani Kruttika ..." stars' list is much precious that the "Chaitra VaiShaakha Jyestha..." months' corresponding stars in the "upaasanaa kramam" for a Saadhaka.
It can be observed that
"BharaNi deepam" and
"Kaarteega Deepam"
are celebrated as great festivals in Arunaachalam Temple, the abode of Arunaachaleshwara Agni Lingam, i.e., the form of Eeswara who holds absolute mastery on the primordial "fire element" / "Panchabhoota Agni tattwam" of the Universe and thus on the
" light and heat " elements as well ( radiated by all the stars... )
and because of the peak power of Sharad Rutu ( the autumn season ) the Kaarteeka Maasam / Kaarteeka Nakshatram holds the highest prominence among all others.
More details on the importance of this peculiar pattern can be had from the subject of "JyotishaShaastram" / "Astrology" and "NakshatraShaastram"/"Astronomy" in their curriculum from reputed universities offering these disciplines.
The unparalleled saga of Gangaamayya descending from the abodes of the holy heavens as a result of sage Bhageerath's staunch penance taking the names of
DevGangaa in heaven
Bhaageerathi on Earth &
Bhogavati in the netherworlds
in connection with the episode of
"Kapilamaharshi cursing the Sagaraputrulu to burn down to ashes for illicitly insulting him and trying to harm him... "
That Kapileshwara Lingam from paataalam protruding from the netherworlds to Bhoolokam and getting stabilized in it's current form @ Kapilateertham in Tirupathi and the associated Kapilateertham waterfall, celebrates the magnanimity of this KaarteekaPourNami tithi with 3 crores of various theerthams spread across the universe culminating in to it in their respective microforms to rejuvenate the Kapilateertham with the power of several thousands of spiritual voltage as a result of a "spiritual nuclear fission in the space and then a fusion of the same on the earth " that takes place in the Kapilateertham on the noon of KaarteekaPourNami resulting in "KapilateerthamukkoaTi" which means for that noon, the Kapilateertham becomes equal to the 3 crore theerthams put together by the huge cosmic force of the Kruttika Nakshatram.
If it needs to be understood easily from a software engineering perspective,
it's akin to a huge unimaginable CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery ) system, triggering it's 3 crore Jenkins' agents spread across a multitude of platforms / OS / Virtual Machines / to execute a pre defined job of "packaging the micro cosmic power" of a special kind of spiritual executable / command, present on their respective hosts to pump the execution's final result on to a huge local windows server configured with MS IIS web server to make the same accessible to everyone globally for a time duration of about 32 minutes via the content of a simple log file.
i.e., the log file is appended with the final result of the each individual execution across the 3 crore agents spread across multiple platforms as explained above, in the form of a small binary code.
And the entire cascaded / unified binary code present in the final log file becomes the required output for all the users globally to consume the same for whatsoever needs via a simple HTTP request to the huge web server holding that much cherished data residing on that webserver for about an hour or so.
Here the trigger for those 3 crore jobs and their configured respective agents is a simple condition check as given below.
" If 'date' == "A full moon day with KruttikaNakshatram in the skies"
"Action = Trigger all the jobs at 11.59 AM to supply the dynamic password generated by a local special spiritual executable / command on the agent's host and append the same to the log file present on the web server by ssh tunneling so that it can be finally parsed by a special XML parser to arrive at the final unified pass code to be used by all the users accessing the same via a HTTP request to unlock a massive cosmic force."
the multitude of platforms / OS / Virtual Machines are the various unique physical / meta physical worlds/realms from whom the power is being drawn from.....
the local huge windows IIS server configured with global HTTP accessibility is the "Kapilateertham waterfalls" in Tirupathi.....
the massive cosmic force is the "KapilateerthaMukkoaTi teerthasnaanaPhalam"
and the grace of Krutthika Nakshatram on the KarteekaPourNami full moon day's noon is that "final unified pass code" made GA for all the users for about an hour or so on that magnanimous noon.
Hope I have simplified it good enough to be understood by many a typical Software Engineer as well.
( Aajkal ka zamaana poora SW Engg hogaya......
A for apple, B for Bat, C for Cat
A for Amazon, B for Bluetooth, C for Chrome....
isliyea apunkobhi aisaa aidraabaadi techy estyle mei bolnaapaDa sabko concept samjhaanayku.....😅)
Anyways jokes apart...
So this is how the prominence of Kruttikaa Nakshatram has been heralded by our elders since times immemorial to ensure that humanity at large will live a peaceful and prosperous life with the cosmic blessings i.e., with God's grace in the usual terminology.
( I'll write another post on the "Kaarteeka Maasa DeepaaraadhanaaVaishisTyam.." later )
Shree KaarteekaDaamodara Deavataabhoah Namaha......🙏😊
Shree KaarteekaTrayambaka Deavataabhoah Namaha......🙏😊
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