Monday, November 30, 2020

Shree Arunaachaleshwara Kaarteeka Deepaotsawam....!😊💐🍟🍕🍨

I am not sure about who shot this video that contains the "Tiruvannaamalai Garbhaalaya sthitha panchabhoota AgniLinga darshana bhaagyam " nor do I endorse its social media's exchange.
However, it has the Arunaachala Kaarteeka Deepdarshanam atop the holy Arunagiri.
Hence sharing it across for any ardent devotee group out there....

I have already mentioned the importance of Arunaachaalam being the AgniLinga kshetram residing in the ESE horizon of India which is the place of AgniDeva as per the cosmic geospatial alignment and thus the Arunaachala Bharani / Kruttika Deepoatsawam holds a great amount of significance for the country's overall well being. It is to be noted that Lord Shiva / Rudra lives on this planet even now in the various 'Yogic super human Avataars' of which Himalayas and Arunaachalam are the 2 most holiest places on the planet where his presence is heralded and celebrated profusely.....

Extremely cold temperatures of Himalayas and extreme hot temperatures of Arunaachalam are analogous to his Yogic forms corresponding to the " Eeshwara " sthaanam and " Agni " sthaanam in the ENE and ESE parts respectively.

A few things / concepts / philosophies  / technologies / entities / places in this world can only be understood when we are subjected to them and their effects.
Arunaachalam is one such mystic  concept+philosophy+technology+entity+
place that unfolds an equally mystic spiritual personality innately embedded in every living being to elevate us from the obviously existing mortal realm to an amazingly coexisting divine realm.

A soulful meditation in the
" AadiAnnaamalai temple" located in the ArunagiriPradakshina maargam, will bless a devotee to visualize the awe inspiring unfathomable secrets of the ancient Indian glory that has deep roots to the ArunaachalaAgniLinga kshetram which dates back to times immemorial....!

To know what a burning piece of charcoal feels like, just a very first slight touch of the same is enough for the sub conscious memory to retain it's effect forever to recall the power of the fire embedded in the red-hot charcoal piece whenever it is in our vicinity....

So is the case with the mighty Arunaachalam.....
As explained by sathguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru, it takes the merit/puNyam earned across several lives to be able to enter Tiruvannaamalai and visit Arunaachala kshetram and perform Arunagiri giripradakshinam..

The very first touch of Arunaachalam in one's life is enough to dissolve their consciousness in to the power of the Arunagiri that makes them to recall all the innately embedded divine chapters of their several lives from their derived subconscious world after it gets activated by the Arunaachalam's spiritual spark...!

And thus it is rightly extolled as,

darShanaat Abhrasadasi....
jananaat kamalaalayay....
Kaashyaamtu maraNaanmuktih....
Smaranaat Arunaachaalay....!!

Abhrasadasi = Chidambara Aakaasha Linga Kshetram.

Kamalaalayam = Tiruvaaroor ( Saint sathguru Tyaagaraaya's place )

Kaashi = Vaaranaasi

Arunaachalam = Tiruvannaamalai

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