India has been one of the most celebrated lands on the planet earth for that we the Indians always worship nature as God and accordingly God has made India's nature his prolific abode for all that India is....
For us life is not about living just like another animal on the planet...The regular and obvious cycle of 'work, earn, eat, jabber, sleep, and continue the routine' is almost similar to one and all with petty differences amongst the various professions and occupations..
This default cycle shall certainly exhaust us from inside out and thus human beings need a source of 'useful rejuvenation' from inside out that needs to continuously revive our physical strength and mental strata to newer and better heights in-order to establish that much required peaceful, serene, inner world which will subsequently lead our consciousness towards higher cosmic strata.....
While being in search of the same, our ancient elders have found the universal concept of God as that eternal free source of continuous bliss and thus true happiness which propels us towards higher standards of living enriched with universal knowledge and wisdom there by making human beings much supreme compared to any other ordinary beings on the planet....
and it is this universal knowledge and wisdom of the concept of God and the allied consciousness that makes us stand apart from the rest of the typical mankind...
Students and teachers attend a school / college alike....
However, a student goes to learn and a teacher to teach...
While the magnitude of learning is an onus on the student for his/her own betterment...,
the depth of the teaching is a prerogative of the teacher based on the respect and concentration expressed by a student on a given concept / subject.
After the 10 years of schooling, 5 or 6 or 7 years of higher studies, the results of the exams taken by every student determines their respective future life based on the sincere efforts put in by them all along their school / college life...
While this entire cycle remains the same for every given student, their sincere efforts make a huge difference in the strata conferred upon by the virtue of the results obtained by them....
Quite similarly, Gods and Humans dwell in this very universe alike....
However, Gods are there to bless those who pray unto them sincerely,
and Humans are here to pray and receive those blessings from the Gods...
The greatness of a God is its ability to bestow its magnanimity onto those who pray.....
and the greatness of a human is his/her ability to go beyond a typical living being that does everything a human does other than talking and praying...
Hence, words and thus the ability to pray using great words are the most celebrated blessings obtained only by the human beings amongst the 84 lakhs of species dwelling on the planet....
If a stream of water is flowing right in front of it and a bunch of grass is present right beside it, and a sheep that complains about hunger doesn't drink or eat, then it's obvious stupidity is well explained...
Quite similarly, if Sun God is present in the skies right in front of us everyday, and a glass of water is present in every house along with a small Basil plant, and a human being who complains about how to pray God in-order to develop in our respective lives, doesn't pray Sun God and offer a glass of water to a Basil / Tulasi plant as a typical daily activity, then their obvious lack of sensibility is well explained..
If I want my kid to become an Engineer or a Doctor or a Lawyer or a civil service professional...,first of all I need to teach them alphabets and numbers and then should ask them to study and explore further via appropriate schooling / collegiate efforts.....after which they themselves would be creating their life paths in their preferred disciplines / career paths after putting in great efforts all along their journey spanning 16 years or so..
Without teaching the basic alphabets properly, what's the use of presenting a 'Wren & Martin' book to my kid in the kindergarten itself..?
Similarly, unless one understands the importance of the basic activity of praying Sun God with at least a simple namaskaar and offering a little bit of water to a Tulasi plant considering it as the embodiment of all the gods and goddesses,
(for that our wise elders have preached...
Yanmoolay sarvateerthaani
Yanmadhyae sarvadevataaha
Yadagray sarvavedascha
Tulaseem twaam pranamaamyaham..)
one's consciousness will not be able to assimilate the concept of God in-order to know or talk about it with a good authority on the same so as to imbibe the same into one's life for his/her overall well-being....
One might wonder if it is said so, however, it remains a stark reality..,ever since Indians were deprived of Suryaaraadhaana (especially the Sunday's specific prayers), the medical (hospitals) industry in India took the form of a giant business empire growing by leaps and bounds by cashing in on the decaying health of an average middle class Indian...!
Our wise ancient elders have preached,
"Aarogyam Bhaaskaraadicchayth..."
"Aishwaryam Eeshwaraadicchayth.."
"Shriyamicchayth Janaardhana..."
(as per my learnings from sathguru Shree Chaaganti gaari invaluable discourses)
if we are forgetting Suryaaraadhaana, (pratyaksha paramaatma aaradhana) we are deprived of health...
if we are forgetting Eeshwaraabhishekam,
(niraakaara / arooparoopa upaasana...), we are deprived of the riches...
if we are forgetting Janaardhanaaraadhana,
(saguna saakaara upaasana), we are deprived of prosperity (usable riches)
Having a lot of riches and nil health is just meaningless..
Now, lets talk about the greatness of
God's worship as AadiParaashakti aaraadhana / Aashaadha Shakti aaraadhana in-order to balance the lost cosmic power radiated by the Sun, as he moves away from the Earth or more precisely as Earth revolves away from the Sun until its elliptical path gets closer to Sun during the January's solar transit into Capricorn....the Makara Sankramanam.... celebrated all over India as the 'Makara Sankranti' festival that earmarks the on-set of Uttaraayana punyakaalam well-known for it's wide range of muhurtams for a variety of celebrations...
This Dakshinaayanam period ushers in downpours
which in turn bring in a slew of cascading environmental changes/effects on the planet...
Due to the lack of Sun's pristine cosmic power, the health quotient of the planet deteriorates which our wise ancestors /Maharshis have suggested wide spread AadiParaashakti aaraadhana via various names and forms all along the Dakshinaayanam, in-order to be profusely blessed by the "Bhagamaalini" devi, the goddess of unfathomable cosmic power seated in the core of Sun radiating her blessings to the entire universe in the name of Bhairavi Shakti, that is captured by the scientists of NASA and has been decoded as the sound form of the syllable AUM.
You may inquire with a versatile senior doctor, regarding what does it sound like when the NaadaShakti / pulse of a human wrist / heart beat heard via their stethoscope gets translated into a pictorial / graphical format via wavelength to frequency converting mechanism...
[ The Electro Cardio Graphy (ECG) is a wavelength recording and presentation mechanism and thus it will give only the wave to wave format ].
Thus, AadiParaashakti aaraadhana will essentially bless all the devotees with good health to be sustained in the Dakshinaayanam too by that microscopic Bhairavi Shaktyaanugraham assimilated by all the devotees...
A developed urban colony shall have a proper temple atmosphere for all the devotees around to pray and be blessed with..
which may not be the case with a rural hamlet...
So, village dwellers consider their graamadeavata sannidhi / polimera devata sannidhi as the AadiParaaShakti sannidhi and worship her as per their local traditions and customs handed over by their village's ancestors...
At least a few ardent listeners of sathguru Shree Chaaganti gaari magnanimous discourses
must have heard about the phrase
"BhaavanaamaatrasantushTaayai Namaha"...
So, for a posh modern urban chap it might look like the illiterate villagers are worshiping some sort of stones / self consecrated idols as village Gods. However, for that innocent devotee, the same stone / idol will respond as AadiParaashakti in the prayed name and form....for that Paraashakti aaradhana is known to be the fastest means of obtaining god's blessings via turmeric and vermillion and various flowers available around....
As explained in the sathguru Shree Chaaganti gaari magnanimous discourses, the reason Heaven is full of such eternal riches and pleasures is that Pulomaja / Sachidevi, the wife of swargaadhipati Lord Devendra, is a staunch worshipper of AadiParaashakti....Not a celestial day goes by without her offering of a devapaarijaatapushpam at the holy feet of ShreeLalitaaDevi and thus AadiParaashakti is extolled as "Pulomajaarchita" by the vaagdevatalu in the highly meritorious
Shree LalitaaSahasranaamaavali...
Names and forms and festivals might differ from place to place.. however the underlying AadiParaashakti worship and her blessings remain the same for one and all...
Hyderabad Mahankaali Aashaadha Bonala jaatara,
Tirupathi Gangamma jaatara,
Vijayanagara Pyditalli Sirimaaanotsawam,
Aashaadha Shaakambari utsawam,
(performed almost all over the India)
and so on and so forth, graama devata jaatara / AadiParaashakti aaradhana has become an integral part of every Indian devotee and a symbol of India's cultural pride / heritage / legacy...
May the blessings of Aashaadha AadiParaashakti Aaradhana fill the lives of all the devotees with Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity....💐🙂
శ్రీ రాజ రాజేశ్వరీ అష్టకం
అంబా శాంభవి చంద్రమౌళిరబలాఽపర్ణా ఉమా పార్వతీ
కాళీ హైమవతీ శివా త్రినయనీ కాత్యాయనీ భైరవీ
సావిత్రీ నవయౌవనా శుభకరీ సామ్రాజ్యలక్ష్మీప్రదా
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 1 ॥
అంబా మోహిని దేవతా త్రిభువనీ ఆనందసందాయినీ
వాణీ పల్లవపాణి వేణుమురళీగానప్రియా లోలినీ
కళ్యాణీ ఉడురాజబింబవదనా ధూమ్రాక్షసంహారిణీ
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 2 ॥
అంబా నూపురరత్నకంకణధరీ కేయూరహారావళీ
జాతీచంపకవైజయంతిలహరీ గ్రైవేయకైరాజితా
వీణావేణువినోదమండితకరా వీరాసనేసంస్థితా
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 3 ॥
అంబా రౌద్రిణి భద్రకాళీ బగలా జ్వాలాముఖీ వైష్ణవీ
బ్రహ్మాణీ త్రిపురాంతకీ సురనుతా దేదీప్యమానోజ్జ్వలా
చాముండా శ్రితరక్షపోషజననీ దాక్షాయణీ పల్లవీ
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 4 ॥
అంబా శూల ధనుః కుశాంకుశధరీ అర్ధేందుబింబాధరీ
వారాహీ మధుకైటభప్రశమనీ వాణీరమాసేవితా
మల్లద్యాసురమూకదైత్యమథనీ మాహేశ్వరీ అంబికా
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 5 ॥
అంబా సృష్టవినాశపాలనకరీ ఆర్యా విసంశోభితా
గాయత్రీ ప్రణవాక్షరామృతరసః పూర్ణానుసంధీకృతా
ఓంకారీ వినుతాసుతార్చితపదా ఉద్దండదైత్యాపహా
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 6 ॥
అంబా శాశ్వత ఆగమాదివినుతా ఆర్యా మహాదేవతా
యా బ్రహ్మాదిపిపీలికాంతజననీ యా వై జగన్మోహినీ
యా పంచప్రణవాదిరేఫజననీ యా చిత్కళామాలినీ
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 7 ॥
అంబాపాలిత భక్తరాజదనిశం అంబాష్టకం యః పఠేత్
అంబాలోకకటాక్షవీక్ష లలితం చైశ్వర్యమవ్యాహతం
అంబా పావనమంత్రరాజపఠనాదంతే చ మోక్షప్రదా
చిద్రూపీ పరదేవతా భగవతీ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరీ ॥ 8 ॥
సర్వం వేములవాడ శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వరి సమేత శ్రీరాజరాజేశ్వర శ్రీచరణారవిందార్పణమస్తు..💐🙂🙏
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