Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Shree Guruparampara's importance & a movie named 'VishwaachaaryuDu' on HH Shree Raamaanujaachaarya's life history

श्रीगुरु श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।

बरनऊं रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि।।

and so on went the words of an extremely powerful and most magnanimous world renowned stotra called Shree Hanuman Chalisa, by Sant Goswaami Tulasidaas, when he was blessed darshan by none other than Lord Hanuman in his original ape form standing mighty among hundreds of other apes that flew in, all of a sudden like a heavy downpour from the skies, to the courtyard of a Sultan who was the then ruler of Avadh province and near by areas to which Tulsidas ji belonged to.

One can read online about that legend that drove Sant Tulsidas to the Sultan to answer his "ShreeRaama naama mantra japamahima" that got a person back to life sometime after he breathed his last and how that discussion became an argument and when Sultan was about to get hard on him Lord Hanuman and his army of apes got all of the Sultan's sepoys in their custody and clearly gave a message to Sultan that if he were to harm Sant Tulsidas, all of his men would be slayed down right then and there itself........

A shell shocked Sultan witnessing the unimaginable situation prostrated infront of Hamunan ji and honoured sant Tulsidas with all the due respect......

One can see that Tulsidas ji was a simple Sant Sadhu who was leading an ascetic life like many others in the world, by immersing himself in ShreeRaamaBhakti singing and praising the glory of Lord with his Bhajans, Chants, Dohas etc.....  And that miraculous incident happened just because of Lord ShreRaama's grace.
He wasn't of any opinion to set up a shop to sell his Raamabhakti and keep performing miracles so that folks around can " purchase and consume " divinity.....

It was Sultan who was jealous of him practising the regular spiritual beliefs as anyone else would do and wanted to insult his simple Bhakti towards ShreeRaam and forced him to display the miracles infront of everyone which is an unfair take on someone's personal beliefs and devotional life and so was there a strong need for Hanuman to intervene and save his Lord Shree Raama's devotee by teaching a befitting lesson to the Sultan......

One can see that the very first word Tulsidas ji included in his stotram is
"Shree Gurucharana Saroj.....", ( the Holy lotus feet of thy Guru......)
It is because of the fact that this land has always been the abode of great spiritual wealth spanning the length and breadth of the nation from Kaashmeeram to Kanyaakumaaari.........
and from Dwaaraka to Nagaland......
ever since this world started learning things with the help of the revered "Guruparampara......."

In the 5 cardinal entities that govern this " SanaatanaDevaBhoomi "namely

1. Ganga ( The holy River Ganges )

2. Govu ( The holy Indian Cow )

3. Guruparampara ( The lineage of revered Gurus who were born on this soil taking human form starting from HH ShreeAaadiShankaraachaarya.....
It's true that before Shree AadiShankaraachaarya too we have the guruparampara starting from Lord Shreemannaaraayana / Lord Dakahinaamoorthy thru several highly revered ancient personalites up until Shree Govindabhagawadpaada, under whose tutelage Shree AadiShankara has started his spiritual journey by aligning himself in to the Guruparampara......)

4. Govinda ( The universal Lord Krushna )

5. Geeta ( Lord Krushna's invaluable sayings collectively referred to as BhagavadGeeta )

Of all these 5 entities extreme importance and respect is given to the Guruparampara and their invaluable teachings / commands. Because they are the only ones who sacrifice their lives for the sake of Dharmaparirakshana and are always available to every disciple to guide them and bless them appropriately for a prosperous peaceful life.......

The other 4 are always there however they are not always as close and as approchable as a sadguru and his words of wisdom are. The latter always guard a disciple by forming an unbreakable armour of intelligence around him that shields the disciple from being affected by the worldly ignorance which is the root cause of all the sorrow and suffering and thus Guruparampara is of paramount importance to all the devotees of this land so much so that more than God it is a sadguru and his words that matter most to a devotee....

It is for this very reason that Lord Shree Venkateshwara, the eon God of this Kaliyuga, residing in the most sacred sanctum Santorum of AanandaNilayam atop the Holy 7 Hills of TiruvengaDam, has placed the subshrine of his guru Shree BhagawadRaamaanujaachaarya
( who has graced the Lord with
'Golden Sankha Chakra  Dhaarana ' as a part of stabilizing the disturbed form of worship being carried out in Tirumala Shrine in those days by establishing the finest principles of ShreeVaikhaanasaagama form of worship to be followed thereafter, )
in the most sacred north eastern part of his Shrine in an elevated subshrine facing South similar to ShreeDakshinaamoorty swaroopam. If one can make a fine observation, the feet of Shree Raamaanujaachaarya moorthy located in that elevated sub shrine in a seated posture holding the sacred tridanDam would be almost at the height of Lord Venkateshwara Saaligraamamoorthi's chest portion...

It signifies that Lord is facing east and  prostrating humbly to his Guruju who is facing south,
with his Guruji's holy feet located closely to his heart... i.e., a disciple must place a sathguru and his words always so close in his heart so that they can keep driving him well all along the journey......

VishisTaadwaita siddhaanta prachaaraka
HH Shree BhagawadRaamaanujaachaarya,

Adwaita siddhaanta prachaaraka
HH Shree Shankarabhagawadpaada / AdiShankaraacharya

It is only because of these two revered aachaarya Shikhaamani that we are able to receive Lord Srinivasa's blessings and are able to live peacefully in this materialistic Kaliyuga where the commanding principle is " Dhanamoolam idam jagath....."
signifying that this entire world runs on money in this Kaliyuga....

Hence Shree Shankaraachaarya has requested Lord Shreenivaasa to stay in the Aananda Nilayam Shrine and bless devotees with all the proper boons essential for their peaceful lives. He has also  inscripted / engraved an extremely powerful ShreeChakram in the Northern middle part ( Kubera Sthaanam)  of the Shrine and instantiated it with his unparalleled TapahShakti so that it keeps drawing millions and millions of money from all over the globe in the form of offerings to Lord Shreenivaasa from all his devotees across the world.
( Refer to Shree ChaaganTi sathguruji's Shree Venkateshwara Vaibhawam Pravachanam where Lord is referred to as " Shree Shankaradhyaata Moortayea"
which was told by ShreeRamanadeekshitulu gaaru as well in one of his interviews...... )

( Inscripting something is not the same as instantiating it.
It requires the knowledge of art to inscript / engrave something on some metal / stone. But it requires a lot of mantra Shakti to instantiate it appropriately to achieve the very purpose of carving it out....

Its akin to the below worldly example....
You may write / create a huge Java class encapsulating an extremely powerful code that pulls in several other APIs via the prefixed import *.* key word which can run an entire bank's software but to instantiate it in the form of a dynamic object to carry out its intended work it needs a lot of resources / computing power.

A Java class, which is essentially just a blue print, cannot do anything on its own unless it is properly instantiated with the required resources.

Similarly any yantram / chakram when drawn / inscripted / engraved somewhere is just a blue print that cannot do anything on its own unless it is activated / instantiated with an ascetic's mantra / japa Shakti appropriately...... )

While Shree AadiShankaraachaarya has focussed on the aspect of
" Creating the required spiritual den to draw in the universal cosmic energy to help all the devotees visiting the Tirumala shrine...."

Shree Raamaanujaachaarya has focussed on the aspect of
" Stabilizing the sacred form worship required inside the sanctum Santorum to sustain the divine universal cosmic energy fields being drawn in to the Sanctum Santorum so that the SaaligraamaMoorty of Lord Shreenivaasa remains unaffected by the  manual energy fields caused by millions of devotees thronging the AanandaNilyam continuously..... "

( Its similar to a process where one scientist creates all the required paraphernalia to absorb a certain form of energy from all around the globe and another scientist is working on stabilizing all that paraphernalia by shielding them properly so that the absorbed energy fields achieve the intended purpose.
So by working in tandem, they have ensured that the energy fields drawn and stabilized inside the laboratory are neither wasted nor corrupted by the local energy fields so that they can keep achieving their intended purpose....... )

Once again the most auspicious and special time of the year is around, the Vaishaakha Maasam, that celebrates the birth anniversaries of these two revered AachaaryaShikhamani that have blessed the mankind with a perennial source of grace called Lord ShreeVenkateshwara that is the only boat available to the human beings of this  Kaliyuga to sail thru  the ocean of Samsaara.....

Here is the trailer of a new movie on the life history of
HH ShreeRaamaanujaachaarya on this special occassion ......

And thus the ShreeVenkatesha Suprabhaatam is completed with the below verse seeking the blessings of all the Poorvaachaarya.....

maṅgaḻā śāsanaparair-madāchārya purogamaiḥ |
sarvaiścha pūrvairāchāryaiḥ satkṛtāyāstu maṅgaḻam ||

Peace be to all......!

Shree Shreenivaasa Parabrahmanay Namaha....😊🙏


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