Monday, March 1, 2021

Greatness of God and his/her existence....😊

There are umpteen movies that are very well directed to exalt the greatness of God and his/her existence....

Let's take some xyz movie where in a normal middle class mortal goes on explaining the magnanimity of God and his miracles and parallelly lashes out quite vehemently at all those crooked folks that have utterly tortured him and his family to fail them in their every effort put in to protect themselves from the hostility being poured on them by 4 different channels simultaneously.....

The story line goes somewhat like this....

" Its quite bizarre that you crooked folks now want to gulp in several kgs of God given prasaadam beyond a decent affordable threshold, after subjecting me and my family to an unbearable mental mayhem for almost 30+8=38 months....." 
You arrogant crooks with bulged rich bellies do not know what it means to live in a small 50 SqYrds' cement sheets' roof house, in a slum area for 11 years with no basic facilities like drinking water, proper roads, sewerage, etc...
that gets inundated in every rainy season with no decent space to sit and study properly even for the SSC main exams..... 

You arrogant crooks don't know how hard it is for a malnutritioned chap to ride a cycle for 7kms a day to his junior college in struggling to be a book worm to secure 95 percentile....

You arrogant crooks do not know what  it takes for a poor chap to defy all the odds brought to him and his family by the Time in the most key phase of his life, from the Intermediate to Engineering completion, to face them with the available meagre financial support...

You arrogant crooks don't know what it takes to toil thru some of the toughest circumstances to study on scholarships by travelling 85 kms a day using the available village public transport, burning gallons of mid night oil to secure 81 percentile to get that most coveted engineering distinction amidst unbearable situations at home....

You arrogant crooks don't know what it takes to bury ourselves in books and all other allied preparations to successfully go thru all the rounds of the MNC interviews in order to get their OLs so as to make all the efforts put in across the 10+2+4=16 years of education life to yield fruitful results to live a decent life...

You arrogant crooks don't know what it takes to balance our lives between the regular daily corporate struggle that a beginner goes through amidst the situations of regular head ache at home caused by a hurriedly built house with an extremely poor 'vaasthu' that took them on to the verge of a complete financial collapse and dire situations resulting in the loss of life as well...

You arrogant crooks don't know what it means to take a high interest personal loan by shelling out almost half of the monthly salary for EMIs to build a decent house for the life ahead with no one else to share that load....

You arrogant crooks don't know what it feels like when that dream house, being built out of the hard earned money combined with personal loan, is getting skewed and spoiled by other arrogant folks just to make fun of me and my efforts...

You arrogant crooks don't know what it means when someone insults our diligent efforts and ridicules our religious preferences to stop us from making a successful gruhapravesham in our chosen muhurtam...

You arrogant crooks don't know how tough it is to manage ourselves amidst varied corporate politics by multiple folks around who are unable to withstand our sincere efforts only to execute their personal vendetta that is to stop us from becoming successful.
( They want to close all the doors of successful communicative mediums to stop the appreciations from the top management because they were growing jealous everyday with the good name being gained by our sincere efforts...)

You arrogant crooks don't know how much of turbulence one goes thru when there are multiple channels around misguiding us and a very few folks guiding us on an extremely complex unforeseen expedition that we were made to take up amidst certain unfortunate situations due to lack of clarity....

You arrogant crooks don't know what it means to see how our own family members, friends, relatives, other kin and kith getting affected by the hostility of those 4 culprit channels to cover up their wolverine executions to put an end to our efforts and existence in the field owing to their extreme headstrongness...

and so on and so forth.....

You folks support those bastards who want to put an end to all my sincere efforts and existence in the field...
and want to gulp in the God given prasaadam beyond the highest maximum possible threshold of 10% net pull back...

You have ridiculed God, Spirituality, my devotion, my spiritual works and literally made a mockery of all my efforts all these days and now you want to gulp in my God given prasaadam...

Well, God / Godess reside not only in holy abodes of ShreeVaikunTham , Kailaasam, MaNidweepam and the corresponding temple equivalents in this mortal world etc....

They exist in all the goodness around us..... 

They do reside in our revered Gurujis and their preachings that guide us properly..... 

They do reside in those broad minded good hearted elders who understand and support us...

They do reside in those good Samaritans who genuinely work for our well being....

They do reside in every friend around us who supports and wants us to fight all the hostile circumstances that we are being made to go through....

They do reside in those amicable bench of lawyers protecting the integrity of the judiciary by defending us for our hapless situation caused by the hostile culprit channels by making them to abide by the law of the land....

They do reside in the hon'ble  High Court / Supreme Court Judge who executes an unquestionable lawsuit to compensate us adequately with lot of Prasaadam for all the mental mayhem we were made to go thru causing us severe physical, emotional, reputational, societal, materialistic, spiritual loss in many a way wrecking havoc with our lives. ..

Thus God/Godess will rightfully balance the cosmic equation for everyone according to one's sincere prayers and will make sure that none of his devotees ever have to regret for investing their time and faith in him/her for that when we believe in God there would be always endless hope..."

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