Shree Ganesha SankashTaharachaturthi / SankaTaharachaturthi is the well know monthly celebration of ShreeGanapati ji apart from his yearly GaneshChaturthi festival on the BhaadrapadaShuddhaChavithi....
For those who have gulped in the essence of Paramaatma tattwam from the umpteen Pravachans of Shree ChaaganTi sadguru gaaru, Ganesha tattwam is one of the primordial philosophical evolutions of the Indian Spiritual Diaspora since times immemorial that has been the most exquisitely established paratattwam for many an ardent follower across the planet, for that the elephant faced God is not only the cynosure of Indian Devotional Panorama but also is a globally cherished diety since times before times....
And for those who have had a chance to listen to the most perplexing form of Ganesha Tattwam from ShreeChaaganTi gaaru, he is worshipped as "Vighnakaaraka" and "VighnanaaShaka" for his two forms of existence and executions....
It is really a great diverse form of celebrating a diety...
To explain it in simpler terms, the movie
" AparichituDu" starring Vikram would be the best example...
Leave aside his "Remo : The lover boy" form/varaint for a while and consider the other two forms of "Iyengaar" and "AparichutuDu" which are literally the two extreme personalities existing in one single person.
Similarly, the 2 distinct forms of "Vighnakaaraka" and "VighnanaaShaka" of the same GaneshaParatattwam are indeed interesting facets of their specific forms of executions to protect his devotees who sincerely pray him...
The first form of "Vighnakaaraka", the "Iyyengaar Ji" style is somewhat a sober style associated with the elevated intelligent realm of executions....
And the other form of "VighnanaaShaka" the ferocious form of "AparichituDu" is associated with punchy and extremely powerful realm of executions....
Instead of getting in to those intricate aspects of the GaneshaTattwa Pratyeakata preached at vast lengths and breadths in MudgalaPuraanam
let's take a simple example to understand his exceptionally established style in the GaaNaapatya Vaibhawam....
Everyone knows that in general Ganeshji's pooja and blessings are the first and foremost aspect of every ritual continued by the specific pooja / yagnyam / etc... and all other specialities of GaneshaJi are known to many in general...
To understand his "Vighnakaaraka" tattwam, let's take an example where in
the master of an elephant is about to enter a hostile area that would hurt him badly but being unaware of the same he just wants to move ahead without waiting for a while for the time to take away that hostility in it's own Karmik / Cosmic execution. His elephant being aware of the hostility lying ahead though cannot speak to state the same to it's owner, that we should wait for some time to get rid off the lurking danger ahead, will simply drop a massive log to obstruct the way so that no one can cross that point until it ascertains itself about the nullification of the hostility to let its folks move ahead...
This type of Vighnakaaraka execution is just a simple task for Ganesha using his superior cosmic intelligence hence is handled via his sober executional style.
To understand his "VighnanaaShaka" tattwam, let's take an example of a situation where in our away ahead is being spoiled by several massive logs being thrown at us by some rogues to stop us from moving ahead successfully,
just like the master's elephant that lashes out at the hostile group with its ferocious execution by trampling and crushing all the disruptive logs and the hostile folks to clear the way for his master to move ahead without any issues, Ganesha's "VighnanaaShaka" tattwam too is associated with such powerful executions to annihilate all the hostility and it's root cause affecting and disturbing his devotees....
Just like the audience of "AparichituDu" movie remain spell bound at the astonishing acting of Vikram switching from one personality to the other almost instantly in certain scenes, to get the situation in to his control, Ganesha ji too, establishes himself with quite a similar style of executions in his distinct forms of "Vighnakaaraka" and "VighnanaaShaka" to protect and bless his devotees from time to time....
Apart from this, it can be observed that Ganeshaparattwam has everything that one asks for....
Be it a 5 year old Kiddo or a 95 year old Veteran, GaneshJi is readily accessibile to them via the simplest forms of prayers yet highly significant forms of blessings...
Intelligence, Wisdom, Power, Prosperity, Health, Wealth, Fame and so on and so name it...he gives it.....
And thus we pray him with "Sumukhaha" as the very first name his very powerful yet a simple prayer of "GaneshaShoDashaNaamaStotram"....
Sumukham means that which always drags us towards it or that to which we are always dragged towards, for all the well being to be blessed by it....
As explained by Shree ChaaganTi sadguru gaaru, an elephant's face is one of the 5 abodes of goddess ShreeMahaalakshmi....
( Gajavadanam, GoprushTham, Padmam, Bilvam, Suvaasinee Paapita Sindooram )
Going by the verse
"Lakshmyatay iti lakshmi...",
Lakshmi essentially implies a symbolic representation of an entity...
It can be anything and everything representing the entirety of that entity's manifestation right from a small atom to a huge mountain...
Put it this way....
A 1 rupee coin is dhanaLakshmi.... and
a mountain of several such 1 rupee coins is also dhanaLakshmi...
Completing the 5th standard with 81% of marks is VidyaaLakshmi and
completing Engineering with 81% of marks is also VidyaaLakshmi...
Having a sack full of grains is dhaanyaLakshmi...and
having several tonnes of such grain sacks is also dhaanyaLakshmi...
Winning an argument with some one is VijayaLakshmi.....
and slaying down hundreds and thousands of enemies in a battle won is also VijayaLakshmi.....
Having one child is SantaanaLakshmi.....
and having 100 children is also SantaanaLakhshmi.....
and so on and so forth.....
The magnitude of the entity in question keeps varying but the primordial form or the symbolization of that entity remains the same....
The Aniruddha tattwam of ShreeMahaaVishnu is celebrated as ShreeLakhshmigaNapati tattwam where in the Lakshmi in it corresponds to the above explanation and the gaNapathi corresponding to our plane represents the blessing to catalyze that primordial form of the entity being considered to it's desired magnitude according to our sincere prayers....
And thus the ShreeLakshmiGaNapathi aaradhana has a huge prominence in the Gaanaapatyam....
And for those spiritual stalwarts who are aware of the intricate correlation of the Shiva's/Rudra's pancha vaktratattwam,
i.e.,the 5 faces of a ShivaLingam
sadyojaata mukham, facing West...
vaamadeva mukham, facing North....
tathpurusha mukham, facing East....
aghora mukhan facing, South....
and the Eeshaana mukham, facing the Sky....
In this panchavadanaparamaShivatattwam,
the north facing vaamadeva mukham is nothing but the ShreeMahaavishnu tattwam that pervades the entire universe for it's designated responsibility of being the sthithikartha....
Going by the verse
"Vishwayti vyaaptaha...iti Vishnuhu.....",
the one who is spread across the entire universe is Vishnu......
Now if we can question ourselves, what is this Universe..?
The obvious answer would be the entirety of every known and unknown entity is the Universe....
Hence we have essentially covered the entire universe in the Vaamadeva ParamaShiva mukham....
So every entity that one can talk of and it's highest form of magnitude known is essentially covered by the
ShreeLakshmeegaNapathi tattwam....
Hence it is the most celebrated form that heralds the Gaanapatyavaibhawam for being the personification of the entire universe at its highest magnitude as can be perceived by any mortal or immortal being of the specific universe in question ...
Today ( March-2nd-2021), Shaarvari Maagha BahuLa chaturthi on a Tuesday with Hastaa Nakshatram is indeed one of the most auspicious combinations in the almanac...
(i.e.., Hastaa Nakshatra Prayukta Bhoumya Vaasara SakashTaharachaturthi or AngaarakaChaturthi with Hasta Nakshatram in MaaghaMaasam... )
Hence wishing one and all a very happy SankashTaharaChaturthi / SankaTaharaChaturthi...😊👍👏💐🍕🍨🍟
May Lord ShreeLakshmigaNapathi bestow all forms of Peace, Prosperity, Health & Happiness to all his devotees according to their sincere prayers....
( Below is one of the ShreeLakshmigaNapathi shrines in my Kukatpally area, where in an exquisite ShreeLakshmigaNapati moorthy is sculpted out strictly according to the governing GaaNaapatya aagamaShaastram to bless the devotees profusely.....😊💐🍕🍨🍟 )
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