Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Shree Shaarvari PhaalguNa Pournami / Holy Festival / Tumburu Teertha MukkoaTi festivel in the Tirumala SheShaachala forest range.....😊💐🍟🍕🍨

As per the Sanaatana Chaandraama Kaala gaNana siddhaantam, i.e., as per the lunar Indian almanac system, PhaalguNa maasam is the last / 12th month of the calender....
where in the Moon shines brightly in the skies in the coalition of UttaraPhalguNi / PoorvaphalguNi stars / constellations....

However, the UttaraPhalguNi / PoorvaphalguNi being the 11th / 12th stars in the regular order of the 27 stars / constellations starting from Ashwini , Bharani, Kruttika etc... it is actually the 6th chaandramaana almanac's month
when the actual sequence of 1.Ashwini 2.Bharani 3. Kruttika....
is considered....

1. Ashwini 1.Aashwayuja maasam

3. Kruttika 2.Kaarteeka maasam

5. Mrugashira 3.Maargashira maasam

8. Pushyami 4. Pushya maasam

10. Magha 5. Maagha Maasam

11/12 Uttara / Poorvaphalguani 6. PhaalguNa maasam

14.Chitta 7. Chaitra maasam

16. Vishaakha 8.Vaishaakha maasam

18. Jyeshtha 9. JyeshTha maasam

20/21. PoorvaaShaadha / UttaraaShaadha 10. AashaaDha maasam

22. ShravaNam 11. ShraavaNa maasam

25/26. Poorvaabhaadra / Uttaraabhaadra  12. Bhaadrapada maasam

If one can make a careful observation of the above spatial sequence of the stars and the corresponding months,
as per the Saadhanaa Kramam explained by Shree ChaaganTi sadguruvu gaaru,
Aashwayuja maasam would be the first month and thus PhaalguNa maasam would be the 6th month in the list...

So this PhaalguNa maasam PourNami would be the approx mid point of the cyclic (as per the stars) / linear (as per the almanac months) chain and being at the balancing point of the chain, PhaalguNa pourNami holds a great amount of significance for all the Saadhaka / Upaasaka lokam...

Shree TarigonDa Vengamaamba, an ardent devotee of Lord Tirumala Shree Venkateswara, was guided to a mystical place called TumburuKona by Lord himself, to enable her to do her staunch penance with out getting disturbed by anyone.....

A majestic celestial waterfall that flows across the magnanimous TumburuKona known as "TumburuTeertham ", holds all the power of her penance and it gets its peak power when Moon shines brightly on PhaalguNa PourNami in either of the Phalguna Nakshatrams which is celebrated as TumburuTeertha MukkoaTi festival where in all the 3 crore celestial theerthams get merged in to the TumburuTeertham in their micro forms making it equivalent to the combination of 3 crore teerthams flowing as one mighty Teertham with the indescribable power of the Ashtavidha Prakruthi captured in to every drop of the Tumburu Teertha waterfalls all along the PourNami duration's mukkoaTi festival celebration which would be the only time the TumburuKona will be opened up for all the devotees in general by TTD authorities for the once in an year TeerthaMukkoaTi festival.....

As per Lord Shree Venkateshwara's blessings, every upaasaka in his/her capacities will cherish this teertha mukkoaTi by savoring the sacred TumburuTheertha jalam...

It is indeed strange to know that even during the almost summer time when Sun starts his thermal wave all across the India, no one knows how such a huge perennial water fall running down a mighty cliff remains so cool and fresh and surprisingly divine for all the grace it brings down from the various spiritual realms of Sheshaachala Forest Range....

For those enthusiastic folks, do try your best to capture the TumburuTeertha mukkoaTi water in to some water bottle on the Phaalgunapournami mukkoaTi TumburuTeertha mukkoaTi festival time
before it touches the earth.... and then make your observations on its physical properties ( and its meta physical properties as well if you can ) and see the difference when compared to the normal water that flows on the earth.....

It has many divine factors embedded in it that makes it a super human water as long as it doesn't touch the earth's surface or in other words a specific divine potential held by the TumburuTeertham water on that day will be absorbed in to earth the moment it gets grounded.....

It can only be felt and is beyond any words to describe that spiritual phenomenon that defies the regular normal water available on the earth in many a way....

Holi, the vibrant age old Indian festival of colors, also happens to be celebrated during the phaalguNa pournami duration....

After an almost 6 months duration, the vibrant age old Indian festival of lights, Diwaali is celebrated on Aashwayuja Amaavaasya...

Colors, Lights, Sounds, Numbers, Nature
( Comprising of, Sun, Moon, Stars, and the 5 primordial elements of Sky / Air / Fire / Water / Earth) and so on.....
everything has an associated spiritual significance in SanaatanaDharmam and it's magnanimity is available to those Shishya parampara who savour them with due respect and honor as per the knowledge and wisdom imparted by their GuruParampara....

The greatness and the power of Spirituality resides in its magnanimity to take Nature in to its control when it is required which isn't possible by any other science and technology or any other phenomenon on the planet....

For those who remember the legend of BhaktaPrahlaada and Holikaa Dahanam on this holy festival day...
that goes something like this...

The stupid father of BhaktaPrahlaada, Hiranyakashipa tortures his very own son to stop his HariBhakti and makes him go through a variety of punishments for not stopping his HariBhakti......

The little Bhakta Prahlaada has already attained the MantraSiddhi of the Ashtaakshari Mantram
"OmNamoNaaraayaNaaya... " at a very young age and thus Nature always concedes to his prayers....
Not knowing this, his arrogant father keeps harassing him to make him stop the HariBhakti saga.....

One day finally the demon decides to put his very own son as an offering to the blazing fire to finish him off and chooses one of his demonic servants named Holikaa as she happens to hold a boon that AgniDeva cannot harm her no matter whichever way she plays with the fire....

So he asks her to hold Prahlaada until he gets completely burnt up in the pyre after which she can leave him aside and walk her way....

These stupid demons don't have any kind of knowledge on the MantraSiddhi so they thought Prahlaada will chaant his "OmNamoNaaraayanaaya" as usual and that will be his last chant...

However, Nature always remains God's servant and will act according to Lord ShreeMahaaVishnu's wish....

So the "Raa" being the AgniBeejam and jeevaaksharam in the "OmNamoNaaraayaNaaya" AshTaakshari mahaamantram,  it's magnitude in BhaktaPrahlaada's mantra siddhi is exponentially elevated by Lord which has subsumed the much lesser magnitude of Holikaa's control on the fire element as a result of which the otherwise happened there....

i.e. demon Holikaa got burnt up in to ashes and Bhakta Prahlaada came out of the fire intact by chanting his "OmNamoNaaraayaNaaya" Ashtaakshari mahaamantram as usual.....

May the festival of colors subsume all our sorrows and difficulties in to it and bless us with rejuvenated Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity....😊

Wishing one and all a very Happy Holi....
Mitr sabhiko Holi thyohaar ki haardik Shubhkaamnaaye....😊🍨💐🍟🍕

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