Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Stay humble else Time will do it for you going forward...

Shree ********** ******** some xyz person, has donated or rather was made to donate by the supreme authority governing the law of the land, say some 92 kgs of effective fruit salad for all the mental torture he made the victim to go through since a long time and many other overactions that were absolutely stupid and unnecessary...

To abide by the law of the land this guy ( and some other birds of same deceptive feathers ) donated 92+92+92 = 276 kgs of fruit salad and started creating noise to recover them back in to their pockets owing to their over intelligence and arrogance....

So some good Samaritans,
say a couple of high profile cabinet ministers, MLAs, IAS / IPS professionals, and other local political bodies intervened and sorted out the situation by facilitating various feasible means to recover a max of half of their donations, 
i.e., 46+46+46= 138 kgs in to their respective pockets...
and another equal half [ (25+25=50)+30=80)+28+20+5+5=138) ] goes to the above executive channel's various personnel involved in facilitating the recovery....which is indeed a perfectly balanced mutual win-win situation handling methodology....

Now if some arrogant bastard belonging to that 46+46+46=138 kgs' collection channel makes a lot of noise by becoming over intelligent / crooked / arrogant etc to grab more than half of his donation going against the peaceful settlement process' discussions, 
it certainly is his heights of head strongness and over intelligence....

1. There is absolutely no need for you to cry on the victim for being compensated with great amount of fruits by other good Samaritans above your strata as a result of the efforts put in by your superiors...

2. There is absolutely no sense in asking for more than half of your donation, as you too are in-line with the other two channels who are taking their respective half donations just like you..

3. And it is absolutely none of your business to worry about how the Victim will use this compensated prasaadam for his and his dependents' well being.... 

He may gulp all the remaining prasaadam in to his belly or drop it in to Lord Shree Venkateshwara's corpus Hundi or drop it in river Godaavari or Ganga... Why should it bother you with what he does with it...? 

You tried in many over intelligent ways to disturb this fruits' donation processes from getting fruitful....

You made the victim cry for many days by torturing his family members via your selected channel of his friends / relatives / and a few other crooks despite being aware of the fact that the victim is an exceptionally intelligent folk who is extremely vigilant on each and every move of yours ever since you started deceiving him via your fabricated hostile situations.... 

Beyond your effective net donation's half share of 46 kgs' fruit salad, not even a single drop is feasible to be donated back in to your pocket by him / his care takers....

If you try to execute any over intelligent tactics to disturb the victim and his family again by spoiling the facilitating process to grab more than your 46 kgs' half share, then the victim this time will come directly to SN building and kick your *** for all the nonsense and disturbance being caused by you and your channel...

Remember..? When the victim was starved since a long time and was in dire need of some basic prasaadam to satiate his hunger and requested you to consider some 5 kgs' fruits' donation to help himself with his the then situational crisis, you simply answered much like a slap on his face by saying...

"  You are already decently placed and no need to ask any thing. You may leave now..."

( instead of fine tuning the answer as....

" I can understand your genuine needs and I am trying my level best to work out on as many possible fruits as I can get from my superiors at the earliest possible to them and to their superiors who actually distribute the fruits to everyone...
Until then you may continue your good work....."

which would have been a more altruistic way of handling the then situation....

and the victim for all obvious reasons simply nodded his head and left your cabin....

Now the victim would like to tell you the same answer...

"  You are already decently placed with 46 kgs' effective half donation reversal and there is no need to ask any thing more. You may stop your nonsense now..."

Karma reciprocates when its time...
And that Time isn't anyone's specific belonging to take pride in our worldly positions and power that are just God's blessings...

Should the victim learn about any noise from you and your channel going forward, then his posts will be much detailed and vehemently slapstick explaining each and every execution of yours that have tortured him like anything all these days...

So do mind the tone and tener of your communication going forward to make sure that you do display at least some humbleness....

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