Sunday, March 13, 2022

Wishing you all a very happy international women's day 2022...🙏💐🍧🍕🎂🙏

A man shall always be grateful to a woman's immeasurable patience and resilience in making this world a peaceful place to live....

A mother 
A sister
A wife
A daughter
A daughter-in-law 
and so on and so forth.....

Her role is always a pivotal one that plays a key role in all her members' lives to make them successful....

And the highly revered Bhaarateeya Sampradaayam has been respecting women since times immemorial saying....
" Yatra Naaryastu Poojyatay Ramantay tatra deavataaha.... "

"Gods would flourish their presence where women are worshipped....."

Sadguru Shree ChaaganTi gaaru in one of his Pravachanams have stated their greatness saying....
" He who thanks his mother and his wife is the biggest fool on the planet...."

Such is the impact of a woman in a man's success in all of his endeavours.....

On this occasion, I would like to offer my sincere Pranaam / Namastay  to all those mighty compassionate women that have helped me in becoming successful up until now.....
Right from my kindergarten teachers who taught me the alphabets and words 
( Devi teacher, Anuradha Teacher, NaagaSuryaKala Teacher etc....) to the various modern age professional women of the current times who are anonymously and genuinely caring for my well being....

Veera bhaarata vanitalandariki 
antarjaateeya mahilaa dinotsawa sandarbhamgaa savinaya sagourava vandanam....🙏🎂🍕🍧💐🍨🍦😊

వీర భారత వనితలందరికి 
అంతర్జాతీయ మహిళా దినోత్సవ సందర్భంగా సవినయ సగౌరవ వందనం....🙏🎂🍕🍧💐🍨🍦😊

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