Sunday, June 28, 2020

Any metaphysical anatomy is beyond the reach of the science on the planet....😊

it only shows your disbelief / your ignorance / your arrogance / your head strongness......

If performed once it is fine, because you are trying to understand the person, his body, 
and his physical anatomy etc just to ensure that it is like any other natural human body......

But what is the point of repeating it unnecessarily when that person knows that you are simply being foolish to cause him pain in your process of "understanding" him...  

Any metaphysical anatomy is beyond the reach of the science on the planet because it has got nothing to do with the human body that holds the metaphysical soul and its supra energies...... Human body is just a mere container to hold all the aggregated stuff......

If you want to understand the hydral energies embedded in the water, isn't is foolishness to distort the container ( say a glass or a bowl )  that holds the water.....?? 

As a matter of fact, even the water that is present in the form of H2O will not reveal any thing even after multiple tests with the mere water samples...

When a water molecule is split in to the individual H + H + O atoms to collect only the H atoms and to harness them by supplying additional external energies, only then the extremely powerful hydral energy of water will be understood......

Similarly, a human body is just a mere container.....And all the 7 types of materials it is made up of, 
( known as SaptaDhaatuvulu :
Charmamu, Raktamu, Maamsamu, Asti, Shukra, Medha, Majja )
are just physical entities that cannot reveal anything about the supra energies contained within a human body that arise as a result of staunch Adhyaatmika Saadhaana or tapassu under the aegis of established sadgurus......
( which always need not mean going to forests / mountains and isolating oneself to do Tapassu. It was very well stated by Sree ChaaganTi sadguruvu gaaru,  that a saadhaka can achieve a state where in he can concentrate on even the tip of a simple needle and draw the entire universe on to it with his YogaShakti, like Swamy Vivekananda used to do.....)

If you want to measure the current and voltage that flows through an aluminum cable, ( when energized appropriately ) isn't it just utter foolishness to extract or chip off some Aluminum from the cable for tests / verifications.....?

Only a well versed engineer / scientist who knows how to use special instruments called Ammeter and Voltmeter will be able to understand the energies called Current / Voltage that can flow through that aluminum cable....

Similarly, only an established Sadguru / Saint can understand the various types of metaphysical energies that can emanate from a Yogi's human body of course when he allows them to make their presence....

His body's Sapthadhaatuvulu / 7 elements would be just like any other mere human 
body's and they cannot reveal anything about the yogic energies that can flow through it just like the above example of current cable.....

Electronic devices like hidden cameras behind the lights, and so on and so forth to continuously monitor a subject in question from a control room, can only show what is happening infront of a house and what does a simple human body does from time to time and so on and so forth...... 

No matter how much foolish and insensible one can become using these devices, they can never reveal anything about the metaphysical happenings inside a Yogi's physical & Astral body and brain..... 

Especially for an ECE engineer to whom 
'Only Sky is the Limit', all these LEDs, Diodes, Triodes, TFTs, micro cams, microphones, that were his experimental objects played at ease on a breadboard in the EDC lab,
are just a cake walk for him even if combined with IR sensors......

One can never say that they can successfully touch someone's / something's shadow unless they touch the actual person / object casting that shadow.....

Similarly, one can never successfully win a person unless his heart is won......

If you resort to measures like foul mouth, 
foul play, and don't mind going to the extremes of hurting some one's self-respect with your so called hyper intelligence, so would be the retaliatory measures from the other side.....

Two soldiers posted on either sides of the LOC, can smile, can talk, can exchange ideas / views, can establish peace, and all other optimistic / positive actions.....

If one soldier tries to execute his personal vendetta by being 'Jyaada Hoshiyaar'...,
please don't expect the other soldier to keep watching it like some television show / movie.....
It is only sensible for the soldier on the other side too to pull in all the available power to defend and launch the appropriate counter attack on the opponent.....

Peace can be restored only if both the parties welcome ceasefire and continue their respective duties without crossing each others' paths ignoring what has happened earlier......

You do your work and kindly let others do their work......
You don't have to define what others should do when that authority isn't vested with you by the concerned Global Heads / Chiefs of the Armies......

And those instigated folks who keep listening to a self declared head for everyone and everything under the Sun for no good reason, should understand that there are so many important things for them to take care of for the well being of the wider audience and stop being foolish in running after a moron.....

Afterall is it so hard to understand who is trying to establish peace and who is trying to create chaos across several lives......? 

Hmm....stange it is that a few folks are unable to understand that...
As per Cause and Effect theory,
" Nothing in this world happens without a reason......
And when you don't know all the reasons behind something that has happened to deliberately hurt someone , it would only be sensible for you to refrain from unnecessary involvement to make things much complex and catastrophic......"

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih.....!

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