What The Ashtaadasa Puranas Are Telling Us About Lord Sri Venkateswara
"..Achaturvadano Brahmah.. Dwibahu Raparo Harihi.. Aphaala Lochana Sambhuhu.. Bhagawan Badarayanaha.."..
".. HE may not be having four faces but HE's Lord Brahma.. HE may be having only two hands but HE's Lord Vishnu... HE may not be having a third eye in His forehead but HE's Lord Siva.. But Badarayana (Sage Veda Vyasa) is still Swayam Bhagwan.."
This sloka from the sacred Hindu texts tells us that Sage Veda Vyasa is one singular human form of the Trinity of Divine Order called Lord Brhma, the Srishti Karaka,or the Creator, Lord Vishnu, the Sthithi Karaka or the Mantainer or Preserver and Lord Siva the Laya Karaka,or the Destroyer or the Transformer..
This eminent and scholarly Sage is not only responsible for the creation of a great epic called Maha Bharatha (also called the Panchama Veda) but is also responsible for the creation of Ashtaadasa Puranas (Eighteen Great Epics) the guiding lights to Hindus' lives..
These Ashtaadasa puranas give us a chronological description of all the Hindu Gods and Goddesses and also about their descendace on to the earth...
Surprisingly,twelve out of these eighteen great Puranas mainly the Varaha Purana, The Bhsvishyattotara Purana, the Skanda Purana, the Brahma Purana, the Brahmanda Purana, the Vamana Purana, the Markandeya Purana, the Garuda Purana, the Padma Purana and also the Hari Vamsam (considered the 19th chapter of Maha Bharata) - very emphatically tell us that Holy Lord Sri Venkateswara is none other than the reincarnation of Narayan or Lord Sri Maha Vishnu.. The said Puranas also give us a vivid description of Lord Venkateswara's prominence and His glory..
".. Brahma Kadigina Paadamu.. Brahmamu Taanaina Paadamu.."
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