Thursday, September 27, 2018

" Naarudro Rudramarchayeth....."

Vinay Kumar Aitha shared a post.
12 July 2016
Rudra Namakam clearly states "Eashaanah Sarvavidyaanaam..." Naarudro Rudramarchayeth.....", now combining these 2 statements answers the query on the 'Mysterious' Unparalleled Intellect behind such Marvellous Geospatial Constructions thousands of years ago....
Ramjhi Issai MazhalaiFollow
Many ancient Lord Siva temples from Kedarnath till Rameswaram with Kaleshwaram, Sri Kalahasti, Ekambareswar at Kancheepuram, Thillai Nataraja Temple at Chidambaram are aligned in a geographic straight line around 79° E 41’54” Longitude
Siva has five temples built, representing the manifestation of Linga in 5 elements of nature named as the Pancha Bhoota – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
The temple for water is in Thiruvanaikaval, fire is in Thiruvannamalai , air is in Kalahasti , earth is in Kanchipuram and The temple for space/sky is in Chidambaram.
Geographic Speciality : The five temples were built according to the yogic sciences, and are placed in a certain geographic alignment with each other, so that the entire region reverberated with the possibility they offered.
All above temples exist for thousands of years when no satellite technology was available to measure latitude and longitude of those places.
How people have constructed temples seperated by thousands of miles (2383 km between Kedarnath and Rameswaram) on almost same longitude, remains a msytery.

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